Homage For Satan: DEICIDE!!!!!!!! A much better name! Why'd you call yourself RageAgaisntTheAmish in the first place? Was it named after Rage Agaisnt the Machine? Yeah, and i was just kidding about thinking you were Alexi. I know you're not but i wish you were. Everyone's starting to remind me of Alexi...even people that just have long hair, Bodom merchandise, and a whit guitar. Alexi would soooo pwn you at drinking. And how often do you drink? QUOTE]

Hmm probably whenever I feel like it everyday when i don't have something to do the next day
cob have become one of my favs, along with Lamb of God. But my absolute favorite is Linkin Park (please belittle me now)
Children of Bodom tops my list...Seeing them in Philly just made it better... next would be either Dimmu Borgir...or... Lamb of God...or maybe...Deicide... i cant choose >_<
nop, they were at a time (maybe over a year ago) atm my favorite band is probably ensiferum (w/ jari not petri) ;)
Homage to Satan: You party everyday? Hmm..i guess you and Alexi would have a close battle but Alexi would still win. Or maybe you would if you loved me enough. LOL

FollowTheReaper: Here we go again! Cradle of Filth are still my number one band forever!!!!!! They rock and alwayz will. Even if they don't, Dani's vocals will keep the band going no matter what. Dani's vocals are so good it can scare the living dead. While a lot of black metal bands mayhave good distortion in their voice, Dani's is the most unique and no other band can have that. His screetches sound so good esp. with the British accent which makes it more gothy and he has a high vocal range. Even if every instrument started sucking, Dani's vocals will make the band sound at least decent.
Eh...i don't like Led Zepplin. I'v never really been into classics that much, but if i did maybe i'd like them.

I think Amon Amarth are really close to being on my top 10 now. I'm really hooked on the With Oden on Our Side album.
yeah, after seeing amon amarth live last night, i have a new respect for them. you can tell that they really love what they do. great performance. and when they played Ruins to My Memory, they all did that sychronizing head banging just like in the video. it was fuckin awesome. and i've actually never head banged at a show, but listening to them, it's like you just start doing it automatically. they have great music for taht kinda stuff. you can really feel it when they play live.
^sounds good, but you mean "RUNES to my memory". I really, really love that song. It's almost as good as a bodom song. I'm really into that kind of stuff now like Arch Enemy, Carcass, Into Eternity, Diecast, and such. Any band suggestions? I'm trying to find really melodic/powerful bands that still have brutal vocals.