Hmm, I like

1. Bal-Sagoth
2. Symphony X
3. Dream Theater
4. Unleashed
5. Borknagar
6. Arcturus
7. Satyricon
8. Emperor
9. Dimmu Borgir
10. Grimlair
11. Limbonic Art
12. Absu
13. Death
...and some earlier COB down here. See sig also.
of metal bands its...

1. Warmen
2. Children of Bodom
3. Yngwie Malmsteen (mainly for Rising Force which is my favorite album)
4. Sonata Arctica
5. Symphony X
6. Kamelot
7. Stratovarius
8. HammerFall
9. Blind Guardian
10. Sinergy

And there's Tony MacAlpine but he's not really that metal and Jens Johansson (solo) but he only did one metal album.

god you love power metal, putting Kamelot over a band like Iron Maiden or even Sinergy (alexi laiho's side project for you noobs out there). Kamelot's fourth legacy is cool and all but honestly, i duno how you put that there and dont even include Epica, but oh well.... To acknowledge the rest of you, yes Kalmah lists COB as influences, doesnt mean they arent better. Ozzy now? are you kidding? the guy cant sputter a sentence and yet he remembers every word of every song hes ever made, if anything hes better now. Now as for listening to their records, Are you dead yet is one step closer to becoming In Flames in my opinion, and a shade of their former selves from Follow the Reaper or Hatebreeder. It's the Reroute to Remain for COB or even the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Give me a break. Sure In your Face and If you want peace are catchy as fuck, and ill even give bastards of bodom some credit for being a cool song, but if youre even trying to say that they compare at all to bodom after midnight or sixpounder or needled than youre quite retarded. I'm not telling you to get a new favorite band, im telling you to get a little more educated before you name them as such. I grew up in fucking Colorado having Gwen Stefani and Green Day shoved down my throat and I came out of it alright, i believe nows your turn.
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I laughed.

You know,Kevin is allowed to have an opinion about who his favorite bands are without some people jumping down his throat.

Oh god forbid someone lists some other band over Maiden,oh god,it's doomsday!!! hey,I listed COB and In Flames over Maiden,too,and I don't see the sky falling.

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god you love power metal, putting Kamelot over a band like Iron Maiden or even Sinergy (alexi laiho's side project for you noobs out there). Kamelot's fourth legacy is cool and all but honestly, i duno how you put that there and dont even include Epica, but oh well.... To acknowledge the rest of you, yes Kalmah lists COB as influences, doesnt mean they arent better. Ozzy now? are you kidding? the guy cant sputter a sentence and yet he remembers every word of every song hes ever made, if anything hes better now. Now as for listening to their records, Are you dead yet is one step closer to becoming In Flames in my opinion, and a shade of their former selves from Follow the Reaper or Hatebreeder. It's the Reroute to Remain for COB or even the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Give me a break. Sure In your Face and If you want peace are catchy as fuck, and ill even give bastards of bodom some credit for being a cool song, but if youre even trying to say that they compare at all to bodom after midnight or sixpounder or needled than youre quite retarded. I'm not telling you to get a new favorite band, im telling you to get a little more educated before you name them as such. I grew up in fucking Colorado having Gwen Stefani and Green Day shoved down my throat and I came out of it alright, i believe nows your turn.


fucking americans....well no not all americans....But seriously, why is it that almost every narrow minded bentard moron comes from Texas/Colorado/Arizona ect ect...Maybe the heat gets to their brains or something.
god you love power metal, putting Kamelot over a band like Iron Maiden or even Sinergy (alexi laiho's side project for you noobs out there). Kamelot's fourth legacy is cool and all but honestly, i duno how you put that there and dont even include Epica, but oh well.... To acknowledge the rest of you, yes Kalmah lists COB as influences, doesnt mean they arent better. Ozzy now? are you kidding? the guy cant sputter a sentence and yet he remembers every word of every song hes ever made, if anything hes better now. Now as for listening to their records, Are you dead yet is one step closer to becoming In Flames in my opinion, and a shade of their former selves from Follow the Reaper or Hatebreeder. It's the Reroute to Remain for COB or even the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Give me a break. Sure In your Face and If you want peace are catchy as fuck, and ill even give bastards of bodom some credit for being a cool song, but if youre even trying to say that they compare at all to bodom after midnight or sixpounder or needled than youre quite retarded. I'm not telling you to get a new favorite band, im telling you to get a little more educated before you name them as such. I grew up in fucking Colorado having Gwen Stefani and Green Day shoved down my throat and I came out of it alright, i believe nows your turn.

Hi, noob! (sorry but with your 29 posts you're a noob too... no offence, eh!)
I don't have something particularly clever or important to say, and I'm not deeming you or stuff, but just wanted to remember you that everyone has his/her personal taste to choose what they like more, with the chance to write in a list whichever band they want and also in the order that they want.
Sometimes, only cause I put a band's name before some other band's one, it's not like I certainly prefer the first band more than the second one... it's just that the remember-service of my mind was temporary unavailable!!
We have to remember so many things in life, and sometimes it can happen that we aren't perfect in our speech, don't you think?
Well, now more seriously... I think that "we" should be more tolerant towards other persons, their tastes and their way of wording their thoughts.
Anyway... welcome on the forum!
this IcedMaidenAllica dude is just a poser...he listens to all the famous crap and thinks all the other stuff is crap.
get a life dude, ppl have different taste, and what do you care what other ppl listen to? just stick to your music and leave everyone else alone.
fucking americans....well no not all americans....But seriously, why is it that almost every narrow minded bentard moron comes from Texas/Colorado/Arizona ect ect...Maybe the heat gets to their brains or something.

There are people like this everywhere, hypocrite.
There are just an eternal number of good bands, I've always known about COB, I've always liked em, I've got tired of em but it is still the best, with Iron Maiden, Slayer, Metallica and stuff hanging after.