Follow the Reaper: That was the lyric they were singing so I threw it in there cuz I was bored, do I offend you? :D
IcedMaidenAllica: Flotsam and Jetsam definitely isn't even close to my FAVORITE band, but they can be decent...I like LOG I think their lyrics are well thought out and well planned and their guitar parts aren't too bad either but that's just me

no, it didnt offend me. it was just unnecessary. its like me listening to a cob song, saying that im listeing to it, and putting, "cadaverous wind..", oh..i put that cause thats what they were singing. sorry. ?
yeah COB surely are my fav band, cuz any other band I've heard for now made me feel like this. Their music made me stronger in every way and... fuck I don't even have the words to explain it :kickass:
IcedMaidenAllica: Hmm.....yeah, i hate it when people are like that. All they want to listen to is the mainstream stuff that comes on t.v./radio. And they think that a certain band is the best in the world when they haven't listened to other bands that are much better and just haven't gotten much exposure. But don't you think that since this is a Bodom forum, mostly everyone on here has listened to all the Bodom albums or most of their stuff. And if they are new AYDY fans, they've probably bought the older stuff. People on forums aren't ignorant. I noticeed people on forums know a lot about differnt bands than people that don't not that i'm saying everyone's like that.
:kickass: :kickass: ^ i think youve said that to me before, but yeah youre right, and ill give you.... maybe 80% of people. OOH and Child, girl superhero? thats cool, like WONDERWOMAN. "Only wonderwoman would have a uterus strong enough to carry superman's child."-Mallrats. Anyways one more thing... Everyone on forums is ignorant. If they werent ignorant they would have no reason to be on such a forum. Ignorance is the most underrated of qualities in the human body, EVERYONE is ignorant... If you dont think that... guess what that makes you.... ignorant... weird huh?
Lady_Laiho I said from the bands I HAVE HEARD, I didn't say it's the best band in the world.. and you're in wrong direction.. the first Bodom album I've heard was Something Wild :)
:kickass: :kickass: ^ i think youve said that to me before, but yeah youre right, and ill give you.... maybe 80% of people. OOH and Child, girl superhero? thats cool, like WONDERWOMAN. "Only wonderwoman would have a uterus strong enough to carry superman's child."-Mallrats. Anyways one more thing... Everyone on forums is ignorant. If they werent ignorant they would have no reason to be on such a forum. Ignorance is the most underrated of qualities in the human body, EVERYONE is ignorant... If you dont think that... guess what that makes you.... ignorant... weird huh?

wtf :lol:
In Flames (R.I.P. 2000)
Dark Tranquillity

Not my Favourites, but close.

Children of Bodom
Into Eternity
Mnemic had one SOLID effort with audio injection but after getting rid of their lead they fell apart. sure their bassist is a badass (he handed me his bass to play at a show in Boulder with Arch Enemy) but they just died out. And doesnt Into Eternity have only four albums? I'll admit Buried in Oblivion has Spiralling into Depression and I enjoy scattering of ashes a lot but among the favorites? huh, interesting.... With the other choices, Carcass, COB, and Kalmah all kick shit
What's the problem with Into Eternity?

Sure they never really had a consistent line up, but neither has your precious Iced Earth,Iron Maiden or Metallica.
What's the problem with Into Eternity?

Sure they never really had a consistent line up, but neither has your precious Iced Earth,Iron Maiden or Metallica.

Iced Earth has more problems than a fat kid fighting obesity in a field of chocolate cake.... There is nothing wrong with Into Eternity I just have a hard time with people who's favorites have 4 albums... Iron Maiden has a pretty consistent lineup, after a while they just changed frontmen a few times, but the core of their band has always been intact, same with Metallica. Changing bass players in a thrash band REALLY isnt a big deal, though they made it out to be in SKOM.

OH, and if you know of more EPIC songs than Dante's Inferno, Hallowed Be Thy Name, or Creeping Death, I would LOVE to hear 'em. That is the only reason my name is what it is.
Iced Earth has more problems than a fat kid fighting obesity in a field of chocolate cake.... There is nothing wrong with Into Eternity I just have a hard time with people who's favorites have 4 albums... Iron Maiden has a pretty consistent lineup, after a while they just changed frontmen a few times, but the core of their band has always been intact, same with Metallica. Changing bass players in a thrash band REALLY isnt a big deal, though they made it out to be in SKOM.

OH, and if you know of more EPIC songs than Dante's Inferno, Hallowed Be Thy Name, or Creeping Death, I would LOVE to hear 'em. That is the only reason my name is what it is.

hmmm...Call of the Kutulu is more epic than Creeping Death,but I still like both songs. Orion as well. As far as epic goes with Iced Earth,I don't think anything can beat Dante's Inferno. Hallowed by thy name,I like Fear of the Dark better.

Yeah well with Metallica you can always go with One or Ride the Lightning as well but chanting Die at their concerts always was my favorite part of seeing them.... I would have accepted arguments for Desert Rain or Travel in Stygian, and I dono that I would count fear of the dark as epic, though it is about the same length.... I would have also taken Sign of the Cross or even Phantom, but I like your taste! As for other epic songs... i love the Bard's Song by BG, that shit is just absolutely fun to sing.... I have this BURNING desire to go on american idol and sing it, oh well....
I dont care how many albums a band has (although the more albums the more variety and awesomeness, eg: Blind Guardian). Imperanon only have one album, but they are still fucking awesome.

Anyway I think BG may have just knocked Bodom off my top spot. I'm still not sure though.
Yeah well with Metallica you can always go with One or Ride the Lightning as well but chanting Die at their concerts always was my favorite part of seeing them.... I would have accepted arguments for Desert Rain or Travel in Stygian, and I dono that I would count fear of the dark as epic, though it is about the same length.... I would have also taken Sign of the Cross or even Phantom, but I like your taste! As for other epic songs... i love the Bard's Song by BG, that shit is just absolutely fun to sing.... I have this BURNING desire to go on american idol and sing it, oh well....

Everytime I hear Born in a Mourning Hall I just sing it out loud all over my neighborhood,as if they needed another reason to think that I'm crazy:lol:
honestly.... well i LOVE saying "welcome to my room and WElCOME TO DYING" to everyone who comes into my house, so really i feel your pain. Plus something about the chorus to valhalla makes me write it on almost everything i do, especially assignments i have to turn in. if i had a quarter for every comment id gotten from a teacher asking me what it meant... i might have like... five dollars! and with that five dollars i could.... invest in.... i dono i have no joke for that.
honestly.... well i LOVE saying "welcome to my room and WElCOME TO DYING" to everyone who comes into my house, so really i feel your pain. Plus something about the chorus to valhalla makes me write it on almost everything i do, especially assignments i have to turn in. if i had a quarter for every comment id gotten from a teacher asking me what it meant... i might have like... five dollars! and with that five dollars i could.... invest in.... i dono i have no joke for that.

Valhalla,that song is amazing