lol noobs have to learn not to come here and start shit on the older members hehe

ooooh look at arsham, he thinks hes cool cuz hes been an internet dork longer than me, NICE! Chase me away? How, by... telling me im a poser? NICE! You guys are SOOOOO ORIGINAL, I wrote down some of your comments and I'm gona go on the road, telling everyone your jokes, they are SO funny, OMG! You think that because youre an older member or because you have more posts I'm going to respect you? It's kind of even the opposite, I consider you more and more sad. No I went away because it was the weekend, I was out.. you know... in the world... doing things, you should try it instead of sitting on ultimatemetal forums all day. And calling me a poser? I'm pretty sure you're still a poser if all you like is underground stuff, trying to stay hardcore. If a band becomes popular that means you cant like them anymore? thats a poser, but good try! In response to Victim of the Night, I like how you didn't insult me, and if you wana call me a "noob" thats cool too, but I appreciate how you don't pretend to be cool and european... this is why us americans or westerners to you ignorant folk, are going to bomb you all!

fucking americans....well no not all americans....But seriously, why is it that almost every narrow minded bentard moron comes from Texas/Colorado/Arizona ect ect...Maybe the heat gets to their brains or something.
I find it retarded how on almost every messageboard I post on, every post I make, someone from the US has to comment on me being a Canadian and shit on me. It's rediculous. Like... why are they so full of hate? Make no wonder so many countries want to blow them up. I have nothing against Americans at all but there are A LOT of morons from there that don't know how to not cause trouble. I know plenty of great people from the US, but I know even more assholes. I can't post an opinion on some message boards without like 10 people from there attacking me saying "Shut up faggot, you're from Canada."
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IcedMaidenAllica: No one said that if a band becomes more popular, that makes them a poser because Children of Bodom are one of those bands. They're one of those bands whose popularity rose immensely after Are You Dead Yet. You're only getting bashed cuz you seem like you're being all cool thinking that there are a billion other bands better than Bodom. I mean there probably are for other people but there's no need to act all big and show-offy about it.

Jeremy: I like people from Canada. Canadians are HOT! :)
Ok, I respect your opinion if you know about COB, but if you have Are You Dead Yet? and nothing else, I find that to be ignorant and unfair to bands that are more talented and just have the awful luck of being from a smaller community, or not being advertised correctly. In America, finding a COB album in some states is like striking gold or oil, and if you are to find one it is most likely Are You Dead Yet? Now finding an album by Agalloch or Wintersun or Moonsorrow or countless other bands is near impossible, and if you don't have hours to dedicate searching on the web for downloads of bands you should hear, than your opinion is that Are You Dead Yet is the best that genre and that band has to offer. Now I've seen Bodom in concert 5 times in the past two years, it's not as if I don't like Bodom, not by a longshot, but with all of these posts by people who I'm almost positive are just ignorant, I plan on harrassing them until they become a little more enlightened. The only reason I bring up Maiden CONSTANTLY is because they are one of the few bands that has always and will always be highly regarded in the metal community AND has albums for sale EVERYWHERE. I APOLOGIZE for my ravings, but call me a cynic, i just dont feel like everyone is properly EDUCATED. If that's elitist than so be it, i feel its necessary.
this IcedMaidenAllica dude is just a poser...he listens to all the famous crap and thinks all the other stuff is crap.
get a life dude, ppl have different taste, and what do you care what other ppl listen to? just stick to your music and leave everyone else alone.

oh, and he said just because bands get popular it makes you a poser, i didnt make that up this douche did.
Ok, I respect your opinion if you know about COB, but if you have Are You Dead Yet? and nothing else, I find that to be ignorant and unfair to bands that are more talented and just have the awful luck of being from a smaller community, or not being advertised correctly. In America, finding a COB album in some states is like striking gold or oil, and if you are to find one it is most likely Are You Dead Yet? Now finding an album by Agalloch or Wintersun or Moonsorrow or countless other bands is near impossible, and if you don't have hours to dedicate searching on the web for downloads of bands you should hear, than your opinion is that Are You Dead Yet is the best that genre and that band has to offer. Now I've seen Bodom in concert 5 times in the past two years, it's not as if I don't like Bodom, not by a longshot, but with all of these posts by people who I'm almost positive are just ignorant, I plan on harrassing them until they become a little more enlightened. The only reason I bring up Maiden CONSTANTLY is because they are one of the few bands that has always and will always be highly regarded in the metal community AND has albums for sale EVERYWHERE. I APOLOGIZE for my ravings, but call me a cynic, i just dont feel like everyone is properly EDUCATED. If that's elitist than so be it, i feel its necessary.

And I'll respect your opinion,but people really don't care here. They like AYDY along with Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper, I've seen some "scenesters"(do they still use this word?) who have gotten into Bodom because of AYDY,and it does make me want to throw up,but I choose to ignore them,and party at the shows. You might want to follow suit. And if you're here to educate people, sorry, but they're not interested. If they wanted to be educated, they would be in school now.

With all that said,I do understand what you're trying to do,but people here have been listening to Bodom for years, and already have a solid opinion on them.
I noticed that nobody even mentions Cacophony as a fav. Even though they only came out with two albums, and the two lead guitarists don't play metal anymore (Jason Becker currently has ALS, and Marty Friedman is playing J-pop), they ranked up at the top of the neo-classical metal list. I'm not saying you should have them as a favorite, but someone should at least give them an honorable mention. Since nobody else did, then I will. Here goes:
Cacophony is a pretty good band and ranks up near the top of my list.
COBHC is one...along with Metallica, Flotsam Jetsam, SLAYER! (listening to them right now (666 hail satan!)), Opeth, Lamb Of God, Pantera, Black Sabbath...I'd say COB is in the top 5 but I don't have a real #1 favorite usually depends on my mood as to what metal band I'm listening to
COBHC is one...along with Metallica, Flotsam Jetsam, SLAYER! (listening to them right now (666 hail satan!)), Opeth, Lamb Of God, Pantera, Black Sabbath...I'd say COB is in the top 5 but I don't have a real #1 favorite usually depends on my mood as to what metal band I'm listening to

im pretty sure that was unnecessary.
flotsam and jetsam is an unlikely candidate for a favorite band, but they do kind of sound like metallica sometimes so i understand it. However LOG, I dono how that fits into your favies but ok! ill give it to ya, because ive been yelled at too much for yelling about peoples opinions.
Follow the Reaper: That was the lyric they were singing so I threw it in there cuz I was bored, do I offend you? :D
IcedMaidenAllica: Flotsam and Jetsam definitely isn't even close to my FAVORITE band, but they can be decent...I like LOG I think their lyrics are well thought out and well planned and their guitar parts aren't too bad either but that's just me
Everyone knows you're the cunt here. I wasn't trying to start shit with you, but in that post it seemed like you were trying to say his favorites list should be something else.
Woah, this thread is getting out of fookin' hand.

I think CoB are my fav band again now that I've been listening to Hatebreeder and watching 1999 live shows alot.
Everyone knows you're the cunt here. I wasn't trying to start shit with you, but in that post it seemed like you were trying to say his favorites list should be something else.

Or maybe you think you're cool and an e-badass, either way, dont comment on whatever i have to say, it makes you look stupid which makes me look smart, and the last thing i want to look is smart.