Children of bodom


King of the meatshaft
Apr 23, 2004
Oslo, Norway
Any of you guys that can play Alexis solos? How long does a man have to play before a man can play this insane solos... It beats me... Its hard to learn them from just from listening. Do you use tabs? I dont like tabs at all...

It would be cool if you could post anything you can play from cob...
i can triple corpse hammerblow the sixpounder solo, but only cuz im a dead night warrior and i got red lite in my eyez. . .

To be honest bro, i can play a few

silent night bodom night, Kissing the shadows, etc etc but its all a matter of get the fucking music in front of you,learn it bar by bar.
well, you'd have to get the tabs, and learn them bar by bar... also, it's a good idea to start by his "easiest" (read: least hard) solos, like Bed of razors, deadnight warrior, YBOF...don't start with Downfall or stuff like that.

Or learn the main licks of the solo, and improvise the other stuff (that's what I do for You're better off dead, it works fine)

work alot on your sweeping technique too, then I guess you'll be fine to play some of his stuff:)
I agree with Emperor. I would suggest not trying to learn the entire solo, and instead come up with the majority of it just from your ear.

Ive got Angels don't kill, Everytime I die, Hate Me and about 3/4 of the Hate breeder album very close, all from ear. I’ve played them all for my friends and they think also think there very close. But with my own style added in there too.

Learning things from ear, in my opinion is very beneficial to your playing and creativity.

You will get there one way or the other man if you dedicate yourself to it.

Good luck!
I agree with slowing down the solos and going bar by bar

ohh..and I usually suggest, get a copy of "speed mechanics for lead guitar" and a metronome. One of the best books written to develop lead skills. You can apply everything in that book to Alexi's solos , practice your ass off, and nail em no problem