What Bodom Songs Can You Play?

So many guitarist here. Well I know only few chord's. I'm thinking to buy electric guitar, but i'm 19 years old and I think that maybe it's to late for me to start learning. How many years do you play, and when did you start playing?
Did you take lessons or you learn to play all by yourself?
I learnt all by myself. I started to play at the age of 13. (But then only in accoustic guitar). I've never been to a guitar-teacher, but everyone can learn it by him/herself.
Sceleton said:
So many guitarist here. Well I know only few chord's. I'm thinking to buy electric guitar, but i'm 19 years old and I think that maybe it's to late for me to start learning. How many years do you play, and when did you start playing?
Did you take lessons or you learn to play all by yourself?

I bought my guitar when i was 18 (3 years ago). I've been playing seriously (practicing every day, learning scales and doing excercises and so on) for the last year or so. Oh, I learn it all by myself, and I get some advice from Gav via msn now and then :wave:

And I can play:

Bed of Razors. On a good day, with solo.
I know bits and parts of basically every Bodom song, though. But I can't solo for shit yet.
That's reassuring, that not I'm the only one who can't play the solos:rolleyes:

@TheSomberlain: Was Bed Of Razors the first COB song which you started to learn, or you wanted another songs, but you found this the easiest?
I started to learn some Bodom's songs not a many time ago...so, I know a lot of riffs...but only one whole song with solo ("Silent Night...")...and I'm learnig "Lake Bodom" right now. It's not a problem for me to play arpegios...but their fast picking is a little bit hard...This autumn I hope to start my coverband (Slayer, Death etc)...wish we will play some Bodom too...but without keyboards...'cos I don't know anybody in place I live could play as Wirman... :)
Shagoroth said:
That's reassuring, that not I'm the only one who can't play the solos:rolleyes:

@TheSomberlain: Was Bed Of Razors the first COB song which you started to learn, or you wanted another songs, but you found this the easiest?

I actually started on CoB first. In E. Not knowing shit about guitars. I know most of that song as well now, even some of the soloing. But I realised that Bed of Razors is easier, as it is slower. I'm trying to get Towards Dead End, Kissing the Shadows and Red Light in my Eyes pt 1 nowadays. Lead guitar, that is.
I got my guitar 2 years ago but haven't actually started playing until about a year ago. I play alot with gkelter and usually do the rhythm while he takes the lead. I can play Bed of Razors, Silent Night Bodom Night, Hatebreeder, Towards Dead End (just learned today, like 5mins ago), Every Time I Die, Kissing the Shadows. I also know main parts from northern Comfort, Mask of Sanity and various other songs.

I took lessons for a few weeks and he just taught me pointless lessons on acoustic, basics in a away, which i give him credit for, but not what I wanted to do. So everythign I'm learning by myself or from greg. I'm 19 too.
i Took lessons for 3 years, starting at 12, but that was mainly melody's of the beatles and shit. Now I've just started to practice arpeggio's & scales, but it's hard to combine with University and bagpipes :D
Bed of Razors (some problems with getting the solo and presolo sweeping clean)
Downfall (with easy solo, no sweeping shit)
Last part of hatebreeder (rythms, not the yellow line in GPT)
Intro of COD
Intro of COB
Hate crew Deathroll, damn easy solo
Sweeping in Your better Of Dead

but im learning ^^ only played for 1 year 4 months or something.. As a hobby only. 30-60 mins a day. Its much more fun when you really can do a song clean, and making progress!
I heard my 1st COB song the other day, Kissing the Shadows, though Ive heard a lot more now. I'll probably have learnt all of Kissing the Shadows on keyboard within 2 wks of occasional practice, but this is the 1st time ive played anything like this. Everything that ive learnt b4 this has been typical piano songs. Good 2 do something different 4 a change.
I've been playing seriously/daily for about 2 years. I play all the Bodom songs in E, plus I learn the vocals and sing along with the riffs, which adds a challenge to them. I've recently been working on all of Hate Crew, I know the first 6 songs in full. I've also been working on other random ones like Lake Bodom, Children of Bodom, Silent Night, Hate Me, Bodom After Midnight, Bed Of Razors, among other various riffs.
(i play bass by the way) i can play the whole hatecrew detahroll album,
something wild - lake bodom
touch like angel of death
deadnight warrior
follow the reaper - follow the reaper
bodom after midnight
everytime i die
mask of sanity
hate me
kissing the...
hatebreeder - warheart
silent night...
bed of razors
towards dead end

i think thats all...
Interesting Starspawn.

I can play bits of most songs on drums. i could learn them if i practiced more often. None of its really that hard on drums..... one or 2 songs maybe :P Jaska has nice double pedal tho :P