Children of Bodom...

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COB are excellent, i love 'em but as far as the lyrics go...who cares! Their music sounds brilliant, the lyrics are only a small part of their style.
CoB fans should never be allowed to criticize other bands' lyrics, since CoB's lyrics are the equivalent of a retarded Avril Lavigne.
If you like COB you should check out Kalmah if you haven't already ha ha They rule, especially the songs Hades, Evil in you and Using the word.
COB is good for one thing, novelty. Their music never had an everlasting effect, kinda wore off after awhile. I listened to them on their focus with the guitars because it was fluid, catchy and technical. Kalmah is better imo. Either way, they have shit lyrics because of their "i don't give a fuck" attitude which is rather....crap. heh...
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