Norther: like them a lot, a little, prefer Children of Bodom...?


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I have never been one to compare Children of Bodom and Norther. I think that it's clear there are similarities and a definite influence from CoB; but I have always thought that Norther had their own sound, especially as far as the guitar work and instrumentation goes. I think Children of Bodom incorporates more thrash influences whereas Norther utilizes more power metal and symphonic metal influences. Anyone agree or disagree?
Well I've always found that they sounded pretty similar, and to be honest CoB incorperates more keyboard sound, and Norther has more Symphonic sounds. I don't know what it is but I've never really liked Norther, usually on an album they will have like 3 to 4 really good songs and the rest suck, where early CoB, (i don't like them that much now) every song was good and their were no weak tracks.
I use to listen to both of them quite a bit. Norther uses different atmospheric keyboard sounds as well. Other than that they are pretty damn similar. Both of their most recent albums sound completely different though and both suck shit
I've long been a fan of Children of Bodom and enjoy the majority of their discography quite a bit, though I'm not quite as keen on Hate Crew Deathroll and Are You Dead Yet?.

I haven't gotten a chance to listen to Norther much, but Mirrors of Madness was moderately interesting because of the ambient keyboards.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

have you ever actually posted a picture of yourself? as tough as you act i wouldn't be surprised if you were a scrawny nerd. prove me wrong otherwise.

and to the people wanting recommendations on norther, if you check out any of their albums it has to be mirror of madness, the new stuff is fairly weak and the old stuff just is too primitive and not well written or that great. not to say they're bad, but mirror of madness just destroys all the others.
have you ever actually posted a picture of yourself? as tough as you act i wouldn't be surprised if you were a scrawny nerd. prove me wrong otherwise.
That doesn't really matter. If he now is a scrawny nerd then he has decency enough to not to go around posting pictures when he is posing, trying to be hard but fails miserably right? CoB or Norther or whoever are in that pictures doesn't obviously. :>
That doesn't really matter. If he now is a scrawny nerd then he has decency enough to not to go around posting pictures when he is posing, trying to be hard but fails miserably right? CoB or Norther or whoever are in that pictures doesn't obviously. :>

Seriously, I could deal with the picture if they ditched the makeup and that awful bad attempt at a mohawk.
and to the people wanting recommendations on norther, if you check out any of their albums it has to be mirror of madness, the new stuff is fairly weak and the old stuff just is too primitive and not well written or that great. not to say they're bad, but mirror of madness just destroys all the others.

I have to agree 100%. Their first album seems promising at first but it quickly gets boring. MoM kinda does too.

I have all albums from both bands & I like CoB much more. Better songwriters & much better leads. Better riffs. Norther are decent but their keyboardist drones in the background too much & the production is not quite as full as CoB's.
Someone reccomend me Norther's best album.

I like COB's Hatebreeder and would like to check this band out.

I'm guessing by "best album" you mean 'Death Unlimited?' That's generally considered their best one, and has the most originality to it, I think.
The new Norther album "N" is fantastic.

Each song has something about it which keeps you interested.

Also "Mirrors Of Madness" is a wicked album.