Children of Bodom. Old fans a little annoyed?

First few CoB albums had decent ideas but were executed horribly, and had terrible production. The newer albums are just shitpiles. O_O
First few CoB albums had decent ideas but were executed horribly, and had terrible production. The newer albums are just shitpiles. O_O

How was the quality on Something Wild shit? If that is shit quality then you must ignore a lot of good music out there, and I bet you don't even touch any black metal outside of the over-polished shit Dimmu Borgir releases.

Something Wild is one of few albums I can still listen to after 5 or so years, and one of few which I can say I that I thoroughly enjoy every song on.
I think thats a little unfair...i listen to all metal really. Other than metalcore and that sort of crap! Bodom are an awesome band, and who ever said their music lacked substance is way off! Their music is probably the most complex in the scene! Or at least it was...

Anyway, it's good to see that those of you that DO like them agree with me. The older stuff is way better, Hatecrew Deathroll being the best of all imho.

I know it's not really on topic in my own thread but...i get the impression from the majority of the forum that people don't seem to like Devildriver too much!? They are AWESOME, anyone else like them?

i agree about COB. i like them, and i adore alexi laiho. i mean tbh, cob or sinergy wouldnt have gotten any fame without him.

and i have a devildriver cd. i dont like them that much, but holy fuck do they play some agressive guitars/drums. its a damn good adrenaline pumper, ill give em that. i listen to them while i work out from time to time and damn that keeps me going. the beginning drumline to "meet the wretched" is sick as fuck.
I just saw the cover and tracklist for their upcoming record. I wanted to laugh, I really did, but as usual the asburdity and reality of it was a bit too much. I'm sure it will be nothing less than an abortion of epically crass proportions. The guys in this band are all in their 30s or something and still making this childs play bullshit "metal" for the scores of hideous teenage morons who'll lap it up like its the BEST THING EVERRR. Ugh.

...on second thoughts that is fairly amusing, as terrible as it all is I can't fail to laugh sardonically when THIS MUCH idiocy is right there infront of me.
How was the quality on Something Wild shit? If that is shit quality then you must ignore a lot of good music out there, and I bet you don't even touch any black metal outside of the over-polished shit Dimmu Borgir releases.

Something Wild is one of few albums I can still listen to after 5 or so years, and one of few which I can say I that I thoroughly enjoy every song on.

Really? The production does not fit what they were trying to accomplish at all. I love black metal, and can't even consider Dimmu Borgir black metal at all. Production is only shit if it takes away from the music. I'd even say Ildjarn has much better production then any old CoB just due to the fact that it fits the insane atmosphere of his music.
Really? The production does not fit what they were trying to accomplish at all. I love black metal, and can't even consider Dimmu Borgir black metal at all. Production is only shit if it takes away from the music. I'd even say Ildjarn has much better production then any old CoB just due to the fact that it fits the insane atmosphere of his music.

I'm listening to Something Wild now, and I still can't see why you think there's something wrong with the production quality. Then again I'm one who easily looks past production quality, but I think the quality is just fine. Not super mainstream professional, but more than good. Oh and sorry for "If that is shit quality then you must ignore a lot of good music out there, and I bet you don't even touch any black metal outside of the over-polished shit Dimmu Borgir releases." But really, what is wrong with the quality?
I'm listening to Something Wild now, and I still can't see why you think there's something wrong with the production quality. Then again I'm one who easily looks past production quality, but I think the quality is just fine. Not super mainstream professional, but more than good. Oh and sorry for "If that is shit quality then you must ignore a lot of good music out there, and I bet you don't even touch any black metal outside of the over-polished shit Dimmu Borgir releases." But really, what is wrong with the quality?

To me personally the guitars sound a bit too weak, same with the drumming. It'd be nice to hear more bass. Has no real punch. Sounds way too sterile and clean.
I hope no-one's saying that old COB is in any way BM, because that'd be really gay, and wrong.

My only complaint with Something Wild is that weak, tinny snare drum. Everything else, production-wise, is pretty great.