I don't really like Bodom very much, but I sure as fuck don't hate them. I'm no fan boy, but I can recognize talent when I hear it. The thing I don't like about Bodom is that their music is not aesthetically pleasing for more than 2-3 songs. They're not varied in their approach & much of the songwriting is very moot. It's just all together unrewarding music. The biggest thing they offer me would be some pretty decent stuff to learn on guitar.
I agree totally. But I really don't like Alexi's vocals in the older albums...I tried to get into Bodom and I really can't, THOUGH they do have a couple of good songs I admit. In Your Face is awesome.
They aren't one of those bands, I think, that their focus is to be different sounding on every song....judging by the songs and lyrics I have heard...their focus is to be loud and well "in your face" kind of metal which is great when someone wants that...they aren't trying to be the best musicians and covering every genre and making sure each song is about something different...that's just what I'm getting from their albums and lyrics, they want to be loud, fast and want to be a "fuck you" kind of band. haha does that make sense? ah, probably not.
but anyways, for this thread....I am a newer fan to metal...I've been in it for about 7 months. so because I'm new I'm not a real fan of metal? that's messed up. I'm also new to Children Of Bodom...the first songs I heard were In Your Face, Are You Dead Yet, Banned From Heaven, Blooddrunk and it's because those are the first songs to pop up on youtube when I searched COB! and I happened to like those songs alot actually...so I guess I'm not a "tr00" fan because I liked the newer songs because they got popular...I was on metal forums and had them recommended to me geesh. I think a person is a true fan if they genuinely like the band. What's the right reason to get into a band huh? You said new fans aren't in it for the right reason....isn't the right reason because YOU LIKE THE MUSIC?

I think so, if someone likes their new music and they heard it because yes COB is popular..they're still a fan cause they like the music.
man why does it matter if they heard them because they are mainstream? that's how alot of bands gain new fans, through promotion and becoming popular.