Children of Bodom. Old fans a little annoyed?

I don't care how a band sounds "now" as opposed to how they sounded "then". I think people try to look outside the music too much. Bands change. Tastes change. You'll never hear me say "I hate that band because they sound mainstream". You will hear me say "I hate that band because of how they sound to me". I could give two shits what anyone in the underground or mainstream thinks of a band. I kinda/sorta think Are You Dead Yet? is one of their better albums, but I don't listen to it & think "OMG that sounds like pussy radio pop music so I should hate it". I've never once in my life heard Bodom being played on FM radio. I think AYDY? has some good tracks on it.

I don't really like Bodom very much, but I sure as fuck don't hate them. I'm no fan boy, but I can recognize talent when I hear it. The thing I don't like about Bodom is that their music is not aesthetically pleasing for more than 2-3 songs. They're not varied in their approach & much of the songwriting is very moot. It's just all together unrewarding music. The biggest thing they offer me would be some pretty decent stuff to learn on guitar.

I kind of see where you coming from but for me it was a case of joke! After a while i genuinely found myself addicted to Bodom!
^I don't like the first album much. The Last Kind Words is where it's at. you like the song 'Burning Sermon'? That song is soooo cool! I agree about the first album but the second was pretty insane imho. 'Before the hangman's noose' is a brilliant song.
I think DevilDriver is progressively getting better with each album. I think the first is the worst and the newest is the best. And I think this band is a lot better then his old band Coal Chamber.
I've tried listening to DevilDriver. Got the latest, The Last Kind Words. Started out with a really nice, intense intro... But after that it just went downward. It has nothing to do with the fact that the best song happened to be placed as track #1, it has to do with the fact that all metalcore magically gets extremely boring after 2-3 tracks.
I listen to Follow the Reaper occasionally. Great songwriting on it. Everything else I've heard has been horrid.
I remember thinking these guys were pretty cool when I heard their first two albums. Then Follow The Reaper came out, and I thought it was pretty good too. But that was when I was into the whole Gothenburg scene. Once Hate Crew Deathroll came out I knew they were turning to shit so I stopped listening to them, including their first three albums. That style of music doesn't interest me anymore. Though every couple years or so I play Hatebreeder (which I think is their best) for some nostolgia purposes. Good times in my life listening that album among others.
Their music is probably the most complex in the scene!

completely incorrect. and anyone who claims to love all forms of metal should know that. CoB doesnt even get close to being the most complex.

that said, i enjoy something wild
Something Wild is awesome
Hatebreeder is just above average.
Follow the Reaper is perfect.
Hate Crew Deathroll is pretty awesome
Are you dead yet is shit.
Blooddrunk is pretty good.
completely incorrect. and anyone who claims to love all forms of metal should know that. CoB doesnt even get close to being the most complex.

that said, i enjoy something wild

OK. I agree it is not the most complex but is complex without a shadow of a doubt. The keyboards help immensely to accomplish that.
I think it is obvious that in their last two albums Children of Bodom have gone mainstream.

They've been mainstream since their inception.

I like all bodom stuff but here are the questions i put to you. 1) Can you be a true bodom fan if you like the old stuff but not the new?
2) Can you be a true bodom fan if you like the new stuff but not the old?

How about listening the which albums you like best and not worry about how true a fan you are.