Children of Bodom. Old fans a little annoyed?

Tell you what. Stop trying to be hardcore, why don't you listen to something other than metal, specifically Children of Bodom and DevilDriver, they have NOTHING to give the metal genre.
Tell you what. Stop trying to be hardcore, why don't you listen to something other than metal, specifically Children of Bodom and DevilDriver, they have NOTHING to give the metal genre.

Dude...stfu. I was never trying to be hardcore and at no point did i even imply that. When did i say that i didn't listen to anything but metal? Or is that you just being a prick and jumping to your own conclusion? As for Bodom and DevilDriver bringing nothing to the genre, i believe that MANY would disagree with you.

To be honest mate, i reckon it's people like you that give a fucking bad name to metal. We are having a conversation about the music we like and you come in all high and mighty and start casting aspersions. It's not on.

To be fair you are right, i don't really listen to anything other than metal, but thats not me trying to be hardcore; thats just because it's the music i enjoy! I am not close minded, i have often tried out other styles but i just don't enjoy them. Plus, this is METAL DISCUSSION.

Go and listen to Britney Spears if thats what your into, i don't care!
holy shit I actually agree with this post. Hatebreeder is just a crazy album. It completely blew me away the first time I listened to it. It has great nostalgic value for me too. I even went to see them live two or three years ago when they played in my hometown just to headbang to Warheart and Downfall.

Good, I tend to make posts most people should agree with but never seem to do. :) All this talk about CoB made me pull out my Hatebreeder album last night in my car and it all hit me like a ton of bricks yet again. Got the chills like 100 times, and the nostolgia was intense. I love this damn album! :kickass:
Dude...stfu. I was never trying to be hardcore and at no point did i even imply that. When did i say that i didn't listen to anything but metal? Or is that you just being a prick and jumping to your own conclusion? As for Bodom and DevilDriver bringing nothing to the genre, i believe that MANY would disagree with you.

To be honest mate, i reckon it's people like you that give a fucking bad name to metal. We are having a conversation about the music we like and you come in all high and mighty and start casting aspersions. It's not on.

To be fair you are right, i don't really listen to anything other than metal, but thats not me trying to be hardcore; thats just because it's the music i enjoy! I am not close minded, i have often tried out other styles but i just don't enjoy them. Plus, this is METAL DISCUSSION.

Go and listen to Britney Spears if thats what your into, i don't care!

Ok i didn't even read your post dude,

I'll make it up to you though, here... have a box of tissues!
I think Hatebreedr is better than Something wild...but they are both awesome. The only album i don't really like at all is Are You Dead Yet?. I think Blooddrunk is turning more into a miz of thrash and their original style. 'Tis good:)
I used to like Bodom a few years ago, but now they bore me. They were a good gateway band to get me listening to more extreme metal with harsher vocals that I didn't find accessible before.
They're also terrible when I seen them live, Alexi it would seem learned all his English listening to George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" but only got to learn numbers 3 and 6 so repeats them over and over. Even with all that I'll always have a little bit of a soft spot for them for the new world of metal they opened for me.
Yeah, they're not really good live. Especially when seeing them with a bunch of hardcore kids and skinheads.
I used to like Bodom a few years ago, but now they bore me. They were a good gateway band to get me listening to more extreme metal with harsher vocals that I didn't find accessible before.
They're also terrible when I seen them live, Alexi it would seem learned all his English listening to George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" but only got to learn numbers 3 and 6 so repeats them over and over. Even with all that I'll always have a little bit of a soft spot for them for the new world of metal they opened for me.

I dunno...i've seen them 3 times this year and all but one, which was the sound man's fault - bass too high-, their technical skill has stunned me. I think perhaps they get a little top drunk before they perform and this causes them to much up some of the main riffs, but the solos etc. are insane!
I think that Bodom is an awesome band, personally.

And despite Blooddrunk having slight metalcore tinges here or there, IMO, it was an excellent return to form for them... while it's nowhere near Follow the Reaper or Hatebreeder, it's still a fucking awesome album.

Also, I think Hate Crew Deathroll is complete dog-shit, for the record, even moreso than Are You Dead Yet, which I actually sorta like.

youve been on this forum a year and still listening to COB? you are doing something wrong mate