May 5, 2003
Coming from many other experienced festivals such as the fest and festival, Chris and Rob have truly built a fabulous weekend of metal.

With over 3500 tickets sold over the 3 day deal, it has truly been crazy to see the crowds at the booth, in the lot tail-gating and the moshing. The sound is great, lighting excellent and the Pearl Room is a multi-level venue with killer nooks-n-cranys, VIP lounge is beautiful and the Pizza and beer are flowing. The people that attend this festival are WAY cool. You can tell how things run smooth, just to experience the professionalism and personality of Rob and Chris makes you feel that this is a festival not to miss.

Killer after-show parties and a crowd waiting to see Testament tonight makes this a day not to miss.
I told them all in person, but it bears repeating - these guys deserve serious congratulations on making it all work out so well this year. After watching all three of them bust their asses for years, I'm very happy for them and hope their rewards (both morally and financially) are huge.

Coming from many other experienced festivals such as the fest and festival, Chris and Rob have truly built a fabulous weekend of metal.

With over 3500 tickets sold over the 3 day deal, it has truly been crazy to see the crowds at the booth, in the lot tail-gating and the moshing. The sound is great, lighting excellent and the Pearl Room is a multi-level venue with killer nooks-n-cranys, VIP lounge is beautiful and the Pizza and beer are flowing. The people that attend this festival are WAY cool. You can tell how things run smooth, just to experience the professionalism and personality of Rob and Chris makes you feel that this is a festival not to miss.

Killer after-show parties and a crowd waiting to see Testament tonight makes this a day not to miss.

Well said. +1! :)
I cant thank them enough either. I had a blast the whole weekend asides most of the line up. Meeting everyone was the highlight for me. Now to get cracking on stuff and people and write my full review.
Yes, much congrats to the whole CRJ crew.
I was only there Friday, but it sounds like the whole weekend was a success.

Sounds like though the bands that most of us were questioning seemed to not go over terribly well.
Epicurean was pretty good.

Other than ALOL and Arise & Ruin, I have no complaints.

Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by Epicurean. They had good stage presence and a good attitude. And Sacred Dawn was a good choice to fill the slot on Saturday; they were really good. :headbang:

And an apology to Chris Lotesto who I was about 5 feet away from multiple times during the weekend but didn't say anything to him a few of those times because I didn't recognize him with his hair pulled back and glasses on.

Three cheers for Chris, Rob, and John. Excellent fest this year guys, one of the best (and most affordable) concerts I have EVER been to. In fact, Testament is the best live performance I have ever seen with the exception of Heaven and Hell. Absolutely amazing; words cannot describe. :headbang:
I have to offer a special thanks to Rob for handing me a photo pit pass during the Testament set. It was too crazy down there when I wanted to try and get in though. It was completely insane nuts... moshers and stage crashers getting booted out right and left. Wow. :heh:

Also a thanks to Chris who offered to get me in during Suidakra but I think there may have been a miscommunication at that point. Just too loud to for me to hear some of it. Oh well.

What a great year this was. It's has to go down as one of the best of events of the new millennium so far.

Thanks you guys!
Congrats on the turnout and what a fun weekend. I hope you guys use this to your full advantage, a hell of a lot more people know the name Powerfest than they did last year. I'm not gonna complain about the bands I didn't like because as the promoters have said on this forum numerous times before, this is still a "growing" year for the fest, having the strong headliners was key and now the door is open to have a great fest line up for the years to (hopefully) come. I can see Powerfest in the future having 4 bands I really want to see each night.
Hopefully you allow the fans the opportunity to sponsor every year as well.

Once again congrats to Chris, Rob and John and looking forward to next year! :kickass:
I'm not gonna complain about the bands I didn't like because as the promoters have said on this forum numerous times before, this is still a "growing" year for the fest, having the strong headliners was key and now the door is open to have a great fest line up for the years to (hopefully) come.

Very true.
We have to be realistic here folks.
The crowds were there solely for both IE and Testament.

I am not so sure having ALOL play before IE was wise.
When you have a strong headliner like IE, you know the crowd is going nuts with anticipation. As expected by almost everyone, there was little to no interest in this band whatsoever. The band realized this very quickly and didn't hold back speaking about it neither during the set. So in the end, did having ALOL play the fest even good for them as a band?

Sure, I get the whole "it's another building" year thing...
Still though, I think one advice I can offer for future years is line up order.

I think either Darkane or Suidakra would have faired better before IE than ALOL. Granted, I don't know if either band was available for Friday night, so it might not have mattered any.

I have no problem with the fact that ALOL was booked. I just think their placement right BEFORE IE may not have been the best idea...
Awesome job guys! I had never attended the fest in the past, but the headliners got me this year. I had a blast and enjoyed 3 of the 4 bands I saw over the weekend (Iced Earth, Darkane, Testament).

I hope everything worked out well and you decide to continue with the fest in the future!
It was an honor being asked to play for Powerfest 08. I knew when I saw the side room open on the main floor that it was going to be an insane weekend! Thanks to Rob, Chris, and John for making it such a success.

Lothar Keller / Sacred Dawn
Thank you to everyone that put on the show and to anyone that I may have met there. I know a few of the repeat offenders from ProgPower that were there this past weekend, you know who you are...:)