Christian metal

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I think there's a part in Proverbs (could be Wisdom) stating that drinking water alone is harmful and you should mix it with wine. Don't take my word for it though.
I'm sure that was one of the reasons, but there was probably also some sort of odd superstition involved, like when people in the Middle Ages thought bathing was wicked.
i don't remember the exact words, so hope i do it justice: basically it was a message from one apostle to another (i think) and went "don't drink just water alone, because your health, drink some wine, and be at ease."

there's another that says "don't be drunk on wine but be full of the spirit" so in general the message is drinking is fine for celebration and to health, but drinking yourself stupid and losing control/becoming addicted isn't ok
Cynical said:
I have heard most of those bands. They suck.

As for "keeping an open mind", it's open minded to listen to metal that's only intent is to preach christianity in a non-christian genre? I'll stay closed minded, if that being "open-minded" means being an utter dumbfuck.

Mormagil said:
I'm sure that was one of the reasons, but there was probably also some sort of odd superstition involved, like when people in the Middle Ages thought bathing was wicked.

It was the best way to drink clean water. Mixing it with a bit of wine (very low quantity) sterilised it.

Just like oriental cultures drank a lot of tea because the boiling process terilised it.

No doubt the link was made between non-alcoholic water and illness though, so it's possible some sort of superstitution built up. I reckon most would have just realised the wine made the water less harmful though.

And I doubt many people thought washing was that evil either. :err:
People didn't bathe in the Middle Ages because 1) it wasn't very important to be clean, but merely to smell pleasant, hence the high regard for eloquent perfumes, and 2) they believed washing merely opened the body's pores to allow more dirt and germs into their body, so they generally refrained from bathing for extended periods of time that would be considered revolting by today's standards.
What the FUCK??!!! Christianity has absolutely NO place in Metal and any Christian who claims to make Black Metal is motherfuckin' RETARD who needs to be stomped into obliveon! "Look at me! I'm a Christian Anti-Christian!!! DUUUUHHHH!!!!!!"...I'm SICK to fucking death of seeing Christians encroaching on scenes where they know they're not welcome. I should think the Anti-Christian sentiments of any given REAL BM band would be indicative enough, but NO! There are just some mental midgets out there who like the idea of scoring Cradle Of Fudge-packer loving Goth sluts too much to see what's plainly in front of them. Black Metal is and always will be ANTI-CHRISTIAN! It's been that way from the very onset and any one of you dumbass fucktards who try to twist it to your own agendas by making it into a "progressive" romantic horse-shit excercise in total faggotry, can FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!!!!!!! I'm outta here! "Ultimate Metal" my ass......
anonymousnick2001 said:
Unfortunately, at you. I'm not certain as to how singing about drugs constitutes a reversal of said band's religious views.

If you're doing something that goes strictly against the rules your religion lays out, you can't really claim to be part of it. Praising drug use and claiming to be a Christian is like saying "I'm a Christian!....Hail Satan!". (Not meaning it in a sarcastic/joking manner)
duh the verse where paul and john are out back behind the bush lighting up and jesus nonchalantly walks by them and does a double take and hes like wuuuuuh wtf are you guys doing dont be doing that shit
Skjebnevette: duh the verse where paul and john are out back behind the bush lighting up and jesus nonchalantly walks by them and does a double take and hes like wuuuuuh wtf are you guys doing dont be doing that shit

you told me once already. I missed that part of the bible.
Dodens Grav said:
duh the verse where paul and john are out back behind the bush lighting up and jesus nonchalantly walks by them and does a double take and hes like wuuuuuh wtf are you guys doing dont be doing that shit

sanguis morbis, your title says it all. if you're going to bash christianity, at least do it with some intellect. your post did nothing but make you look like a moron.
Christie_fell said:
Where does it say in the bible not to use drugs

1. It states that you're supposed to obey the laws of your land, so assuming you live in a place where drug use is brainer.

2. It speaks of your body being "your temple" and states that you are supposed to do your best to keep it pure. Pumping drugs into it goes against that ideal.
Blade Golem said:
1. It states that you're supposed to obey the laws of your land, so assuming you live in a place where drug use is brainer.

2. It speaks of your body being "your temple" and states that you are supposed to do your best to keep it pure. Pumping drugs into it goes against that ideal.
to elaborate on #2 there...

the idea is, since as a christian you accept Jesus/Holy Spirit in your life and in you, your body is a sort of temple to God. hurting yourself is hurting God, so the idea is to respect your body and you respect God.
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