Christmas Haulage


Tyrant in Distress
My wife got me a decent haul of discs off my wishlist:

Adrian Belew - Side One and Side Two
Dead Soul Tribe - The Dead Word
Riverside - Second Life Syndrome
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Sieges Even - The Art of Navigating by the Stars
Stream of Passion - Embrace the Storm
Frameshift - Absence of Empathy

Too bad the ones I wanted most were Indukti and Wobbler :( Still, that's a decent X-mas haul, and I got some Amazon gift certificates I'm gonna use to get a few more.

hey you should share you thoughts on Side Two because i was a bit disappointed with Side One so i don't really plan on buying Two and Three.

the only CD i got was Spirit Caravan - Double Disc Thingy, but that's the only one i wanted, so CSOORE!
I hauled:

Burzum - Filosofem
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Graveland - Immortal Pride
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction (A5 Digi)
Bathory - Hammerheart
Taake - Doedskvad
Unholy - Gracefallen
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts
Summoning - Stronghold

Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch by Henry Miller
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by Brian Greene
The Soft Machine by William S. Burroughs

a kickass preppy jacket that will certainly get me laid

a bunch
i didnt get jack shit. literally. nothing. christmas sucks. wait till you get into your late 20s, dudes, youll get regifted CRAP.

that said....brian greenes book is annoying. he treats string theory like it is total truth but in fact it is merely fantasy. good book though. smart dude. i got the DVDs too.

good quote
me: "have you ever heard of string theory?"
MIT professor, multiple mathematics Phd uncle: "what?"
Dick Sirloin said:
The Soft Machine by William S. Burroughs
i read this book at my alma mater while smoking and looking confounded, sitting by various trees. students passing by gave me a wide berth. fuckin cool.
unhinged said:
I'm in my 30's and got the book from my son
mind you I think I might have spent 30 times more on him :tickled:
my son is 9 days old. i dont see the point of the spousal gift swap. just take money and buy what you want is what i say. thus, NO GIFTS. also, it was 50 degrees and raining. and the gifts we did get were shit. in hindsight, we both agreed we should have just thrown them in the trash without opening them.
got some cash, wine and my neighbour I bitched about some months ago just came by and brought chocolate ... that was nice. I guess she got used to and maybe even enjoys Blood Red Throne now :loco:

also received some Polo Blue gift pack cologne from the mom, I like it, but had it not so long ago. so will go and exchange it for some bedding stuff, that's right bedding stuff :lol: ... dire need of some new threads for the bed.
i sleep in a racecar! do you sleep in a racecar?
i sleep in a bed with my wife.

oh man i could keep going.
dorian gray said:
i didnt get jack shit. literally. nothing. christmas sucks. wait till you get into your late 20s, dudes, youll get regifted CRAP.

that said....brian greenes book is annoying. he treats string theory like it is total truth but in fact it is merely fantasy. good book though. smart dude. i got the DVDs too.

good quote
me: "have you ever heard of string theory?"
MIT professor, multiple mathematics Phd uncle: "what?"

I'm 32 and I got some cool shit. :loco:
me and the wife got eachother plenty of stuff. sure it's mutual money, but who cares, it's an excuse to get stuff you otherwise wouldn't because "I've got bills to pay"
Plzdatemekthx said:
i read this book at my alma mater while smoking and looking confounded, sitting by various trees. students passing by gave me a wide berth. fuckin cool.

Ya know, I've read several books by Burroughs and I haven't quite decided if he is a genius operating on another level above my intellect or he's just a total drugged-out hack. Don't get me wrong, I love writers who push the limits of consciousness (Joyce, Pynchon, Faulkner) but at times Burroughs just seems like he is just strung out on heroin and is putting down random thoughts. I mean, the dude hardly even remembers writing NAKED LUNCH - it's hard to believe that any sort of thought went into the construction of it. As it stands, Burroughs (to me) exists as a literary curiosity: not to be taken entirely seriously, but fun every now and then to engage in a thought-process beyond normal ken.
i think Naked Lunch is pretty genius. The Soft Machine pretty much made me not want to read any of his other books though. it was just gross without a point. but then again i suppose his whole "deconstructing literature" fell into place just fine. i dunno. weird fucker, either way.