Christmas Song?

I would recommend not mentioning it and just waiting to find out. It's so much better that way.

This. Matt has mentioned how he doesn't want to keep doing a whole bunch of em. So instead of expecting them, just be pleasantly surprised if they do come out.
I'm a little sad the streak has come to an end, but certainly no need to apologize. We have plenty of old favorites for this time of year. My kids keep requesting Rudolph Vs. Frosty (AKA "The Reindeer Poop Song" - you can tell what words they pick up on ;)). It has now crept its way into the bedtime routine. :)
I've had WynterFever stuck in my head pretty consistently the last two months. In fact, it's in my head right now. The song is freakin' great.
I've had WynterFever stuck in my head pretty consistently the last two months. In fact, it's in my head right now. The song is freakin' great.

Thanks! It's one of my favorites. We played it last weekend in Atlanta; so much fun!

Anyway, I'm glad you guys are still enjoying the other eight, and hopefully we'll get back to it next year. :)
You guys have got enough non-album material to put it all into a compilation album!

You've been so hard at work, though, you guys probably need a bit of a break. Even if music is your passion, it becomes no fun if you feel pressured too much every year.

I played All I Want For Christmas to some of the good folks at my school yesterday, and they got a BIG laugh out of it! Just thought I'd let you know. Lately I've been headbanging to your music almost every time I've had a chance. We even listened to some of your Christmas stuff while putting up our Christmas tree this year!

Nothing like putting up your Christmas tree with intense shredding and lightning-fast drumming in the background, along with lyrics that make you roll on the floor laughing. :headbang::headbang::headbang:


Also, I've forgotten how good the songs on your s/t really were. Even ten years ago, the songs were all awesome.