Merry Christmas 2010 From Theocracy!

If you're referring to what I think you are, then yeah, we've seen those comments on that board.

Though might as well get out of the music business if you expect every single person to like everything you do. I think we appreciate more valid critique's of why people don't like something then, "I liked these guys until I found out they were Christian", etc.

But that's why music is so great. There's something for everyone, and not everyone is going to like everything. It's the simple fact of the beast.

Now when I see someone on our forum/facebook/similar say something, then I see them on another forum saying something in a much different tone/message, then it's quite annoying! You know who I'm talking to on if it applies :wave:

But yeah - if you enjoyed it :kickass:
If you didn't - well hopefully you listened to it on YouTube and didn't get it on iTunes. Then you're only out 5 minutes... :Saint:
I figure that when it comes to music, you're going to have someone hating on your work no matter what you do. Even the Beatles have people bashing them, and they're the most beloved group ever. When you add religion or politics into the mix, you might as well paint a bulls-eye on your chest.

Naturally, on the internet where relative anonymity means you can be as rude and obnoxious as you want, it's even worse. It's an awesome thing, but there's bad along with the good. So many boards and comment boxes are absolute cesspools. It's not that there aren't people out there who offer valid and sometimes even constructive criticism, it's just that they tend to be dwarfed by the vast chorus of LOL THIS SUX!!1!!1 jerks. I wouldn't pay much attention to what the latter say. Same goes for people who are hateful toward your beliefs/message/etc. Arguing with people like that is a complete waste of time.
I figure that when it comes to music, you're going to have someone hating on your work no matter what you do. Even the Beatles have people bashing them, and they're the most beloved group ever.

*raises hand*

I'm rather infamous for greatly disliking the Beatles. I do respect the impact they've made on music, but I just don't enjoy listening to them at all. Actually, they have several songs that I don't dislike, and one that is actually pretty good (Let It Be); I just play up my "burning hatred" because it's fun to watch people get upset about it. :Smokedev:
Theocracy is pretty much the only band awesome enough to do this on a regular basis, and every year I love seeing what they come up with, especially given that the quality of the songs pretty much matches those of album tracks!!

I'm with people who say R. vs. F. is a good deal better than this one, but the chorus here is still stuck in my head and it'll go great on the Theocracy Christmas album in 2023. :D
I'm rather infamous for greatly disliking the Beatles. I do respect the impact they've made on music, but I just don't enjoy listening to them at all... I just play up my "burning hatred" because it's fun to watch people get upset about it. :Smokedev:

Sweet! But do we need a new thread to bag out the Beatles? I was born in Liverpool, and everyone expects me to love them. At best their early songs are cute and the rest are stupid. Then we have Theocracy - truly talented guys sharing the message of salvation, and still able to have a laugh at Christmas.
Thanks for yet another great song. Can't wait for the new album!
Thanks for the kind words, guys! Yeah, I agree with most everything said here. Differing opinions are great, and hey, 99% of people seem to love the song, so that's pretty amazing. And of course it's not "better" than "Rudolph Vs. Frosty"'s also not better than "Mirror of Souls," but it's not meant to be. It's meant to just be a simple and catchy little number that sits nicely among the epics and the more serious tracks. I think it's probably the catchiest one of all of the Christmas tracks, actually.

But yeah, my feelings aren't hurt whether people love it, hate it, or anything in between. There will always be differing opinions, and in the Metal world there will always be those "I liked this band first, but now other people like them so they're not my special little band anymore, therefore they're not as good as they used to be in my eyes" guys as well. I've seen it a hundred times with a hundred bands and that's just part of it. By contrast, thankfully all opinions on this forum seem to be expressed respectfully and thoughtfully.

I hope you guys have a great Christmas!
Lol. Whoever slammed this song is going to find me at their front door with a chainsaw... Muhahahahahaha!!!
