chronix and orphaned land


Chronically Bored
Jul 3, 2005
There is no orphaned land on Chronix Aggression !
And that needs a remedy , very fast.
For two reasons:
1)It is very nice when familiar songs you love start playing while you are listenning to the radio. And Chronix is a radio i like (the request bit is great)...
2) It is great for sales : for example, there are two or three bands that i got to know through Chronix, and i actually went and bought (or downloaded ) the cd.

Anyways: There are two ways to get music played:
A listenner donating a cd ( NOT a copy), and people requesting the music,
Or the artist sending their music in.
My problem is, I am too cheap and don't intend to give my orphand cd's away ( I am very possessive when it comes to my possessions).
So:Any volunteers? :dopey:
come on my friend it s a sacrifice for the band , donate ur cdz :rock:
I am not the sacrifice kinda person... (selfish and all that).
But I promise, When I get a job, I will buy an extra mabool and donate it.

but that would be a total waste, since by the time that happens ,
Orphaned Land would be bigger than 'tallica .