Chug Syncronization With Kick (Quantizing, etc...)

Alan, could you explain in more detail what the crossfade does when it is used? I see now that it's not in this example and after re-reading your tutorial it looks like it's used when you want to cut in between the middle of a group of chugs, which sounds very useful.

I have a couple near-perfect takes that have a lot of chugs in them, but one or two in the middle are just off a hair. Like you said, I know it's a bad idea to cut in the middle, but if I wanted to, how would I go about doing that?
BD the carefull to not overdo it though....if you set BD to 100% you'll loose stereowidth and thickness.

but tbh I don't think they have to be PERFECTLY tight....I like it natural.
BD = Beat Detective. A Pro Tools only tool to quickly chop audio at the transients (or before by a specified amount), quantize, fill gaps and crossfade. Takes only a few mouse clicks to do this kind of editing with BD.

I guess that explains why I don't know what it is. I just recently bought Cubase 5, after making the mistake of not researching other DAW's before buying it.

Is that at all similar to using the "Make A Groove" feature in Cubase? It says "Make a groove quantize preset from the hit-points" There is also a hit-point creation setting where you adjust the sensitivity and it creates hit-points / markers. I just don't know what to do with it after I create the hit points. I still don't understand the whole crossfade thing, and cutting in between chugs tends to cause the audio to cut out, which I'm not sure how to fix yet.

I'm sorry for being so illiterate, lol. There's so much to learn.

Edit: A quick google search, led me to this

Would you suggest this as a good reading for what I'm trying to accomplish?
you can get exactly the same results as beat detective its just pro tools does some of the extra steps for you. I don't think that there is a way to adjust how much quantizing is applied though witch would make this method at least in cubase useless