Church of Australian Metal

I tend to ignore most of it but it still doesn't stop me getting in arguments with my niece about it. She told me last night at a family dinner how she wants to go and see Parkway Drive, all I could think to say was "Parkway Drive fucking suck!" and it set her off something chronic :)
I remember bands like Shadows Fall, Merauder, Ringworm and Earth Crisis, but I probably listened to them without thinking they were metalcore specifically. But it doesn't matter, if my niece told me she liked any of them I'd have to tell her they sucked :)
Yeah, back when metalcore was referred to as metallic hardcore. Mallcore ruined everything.

A new genre for very day ruined everything too. I don't know who lead the push for new genres be it media or the bands themselves but it seemed like every new band interview would have a band member saying shit like "we don't fit into any genre." so they made up a new genre using all the previous genre names.
I was actually going to do the same thing but I checked out two or three and didn't like then so I gave up like a true defeatist :) I really must give some of the others another go
There is a few. A page or so back some one mentioned Pod People they are listed at sludge/death/doom. There's also a band called Broozer. I wasn't overly impressed with Hawkmoth or Clagg but I'm sure there will be more.
Just sharing some of the grind I've been slowly going through today:

Just Do It.

This fucking rules, groovy deathgrind that I've never heard of before. For fans of bands like Dead and death'n'roll-era Pungent Stench.

Definitely one of Australia's greatest grind bands for me.

Always saw this band around but for some reason I avoided them, not sure why because this shit fucking rules.

I think these guys were the only Australian band ever on Razorback Records, I used to have their CD back in the day but I've since lost it or something.

These guys were promising, shame they split up after only a couple of years being together.

Perth band! Never heard of them before I don't think, not great by grindcore standards but the drumming is fucking legit.

Ho-ly shit. This is a sloppy gurgly masterpiece! Finally a band from Australia nails some Last Days of Humanity-worship.

Good shit. These guys started off doing some pretty bonkers deathgrind but iirc slowly developed into a death/doom type band.

Volatile fucking rule, funny shit. The only one of these CDs I own is the last one, which is also probably my favourite of all their stuff I've listened to. Ridiculously Australian.

Back in 2013 or whenever these guys came out I was super excited for the band, this demo rules man but unfortunately they've been inactive since it came out.

Band I overlooked back in the day for some reason, I remember my old housemate was obsessed with them for a period. Good, nasty, chunky, fuzzy shit.

Obviously a classic band for any Australian grind/brutal death metal maniac, but I give their demos way less attention so today I'm dusting off some tapes. This is from their second demo.

The Death Womb Discharge EP was one of the best freebie CDs a label ever included in an order of mine, but unfortunately that CD isn't on Youtube so I can't share it here. But you get the gist how disgusting and heavy this band is with this song from their split with Offal. Doomy fucking goregrind with sloshy vocals.

Definitely for me one of the strongest bands in Australia playing straight up grindcore without any gore/death/brutal elements. Just intense, crushing fucking dropkick to the teeth grinding mayhem!

Some good ol' politically incorrect one-man grindcore for the kids.

Dirty degenerate crust/grind made by stoners. Pretty enjoyable shit actually.

How have I never heard of this band until now!? This is crazy and demented, just the way I like my grindcore.

Absolutely fucking essential compilation and honestly if you ask me? The only thing anybody ever needs from Captain Cleanoff. Has all their best material in one place.

Another essential compilation IMO. Fuck emo!

One of the best things to come out of Australia in the 2010's that grinds and Headsplit Records are geniuses for realizing this and releasing it on tape.

If there was any justice in this world, this is what "deathcore" would be.

This shit is pretty funny, need to try and track this CD down at some point. I've been putting it off for years and just blasting the Youtube vids.

Well, that was fun. :D
As far a Aussie covers by Aussie bands go I still like this one.

The song is so unique even with the metal tones and growl it's hard to not recognise it. DK really should get off their arses and release something new, it's been 18 months and Australia Day is coming around again. They played a big gig with King Parrot not long back they should build on the success :)
As far a Aussie covers by Aussie bands go I still like this one.

The song is so unique even with the metal tones and growl it's hard to not recognise it. DK really should get off their arses and release something new, it's been 18 months and Australia Day is coming around again. They played a big gig with King Parrot not long back they should build on the success :)

I just saw an article about them today, the guitarist lost a finger in a workplace accident..

They put out a couple of new songs just before it happened apparently.
Shit, you say he lost a finger then the link says they need help. I thought they wanted my finger!

The fuckers usually coincide their releases with Australia Day but they went and released "Put 'Em Up Cunt" on Facebook. Fancy doing that that shit no one uses FB any more!
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