Church of Australian Metal

Oh crap how could I forget these guys

Long ass songs but each one is an epic journey transcending time and space

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I'm pretty sure that's the band that a few years ago begged all their fans to put money into their go fund me page so they could "retire from their jobs and spend their time touring Europe". A forum I used regularly visit had several members who I think would have bent down and gobbled each and every member just for a CD.
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The only thing more trve than first demos is rehearsal recordings. This is Damnatory, they played with us a few times and their drummer almost ended up in Sanctum.
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With songs like The Earth is an Egg (which includes a few lines from Hanger 18), She's a Robot, In The Head, What's That Smell and Short Spew you know these guys have to be a stoner band.

Once I finish hunting out the bands on my A-Z list I'm going to get lost in some stoner and doom bands to see how many aussie bands are on YT or available for streaming.
These guys aren't real bad for power metal.
As far as covers of cheesy 80's songs go this isn't too bad.
Some of their other songs aren't bad either. They are from @CiG country and still active apparently.

Depends on the cover for me. If I like the original I will often listen to the cover to see how a band compares and power metal is full of covers but that doesn't mean all covers are good. I wont discount a band on their cover versions alone, but I might find a band because of something they have played live or released as a bonus track.

SK have two albums (and a live EP) out and their own songs are pretty good but I posted the covers so people could tell everyone how badly the band fucked up a cover version. There is nothing better than listening to people who can barely hold an instrument themselves tell people how fucked other musos are at playing theirs :)
Dunno if this has already been shared, but I've always been a fan of Misery's final album.

FARK Black Majesty was released today, I forgot to go down to JB and see if it was on local release.
There's an EP (iirc) I've been trying to find since hearing it once on YouTube at some point years ago, maybe you guys know where to look.

Sort of a light melodic metal band, maybe Geoff Tate-esque vocals but not as heavy as Queensryche musically, but not exactly AOR either. Almost certainly from the 80s. I think they only had a single EP, but they could have had more, which I remember having a plain black cover with a thin red border around it, and I believe a color illustration of some kind of purple flower. I thought they were called Amethyst or some kind of gemstone, but that might be the purple flower thing throwing me off.
I thought they were called Amethyst or some kind of gemstone, but that might be the purple flower thing throwing me off.

Amethyst is/was a heavy/prog band from Australia but they were from the 90's. Female lead, one EP, one album which is on YT.

Currently listening to Taramis, power/prog/thrash from Melb in the 80's

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