cinci/bogarts concert review


New Metal Member
Dec 6, 2003
Just thought Id post a few things about what had to be one of the best nights in my life...

I got into symphony X about 5 months ago. I read alot of message boards and I was looking to expand my limited favorite band list which was basically Dream Theater and Savatage. I kept hearing all this good shit about symphony x. I had heard of the band just from hearing about them on the sava boards. Well I got V and than the odyssey. I was hooked. Im a big concert goers I see about 10-15 concerts a month. Anyways when I heard symphony x was coming to cinci. I knew I was there.

Well my friend Becka bought me tickets for christmas, Good tradeoff since I bought her Tso, godsmack, and fuel tickets for christmas. Well maybe I spent alittle more but who cares. We left Louisville for cini.

Once we got there we noticed one thing right away. Bogarts is pretty much a dive. The place looks pretty rundown. The ceiling was leaking in few parts. But the people working there seemed nice and friendly exspecially this chick bartender who made my jack and cokes for the night. And she made em good.

Anyways the show started with devin townsend. I had never heard or seen the dt band before but have heard so much positive and alot of negative here just from reading. I think a few years ago I heard him with vai. But I may be wrong. Even before dtb started playing I was prepared for total suckage. Recently reading all the negative stuff about him here at sym x message board. After about 5 minutes I was like holy shit. I love this. Dtb was freaking awesome. After he finished the first song, I realized I somehow Knew the second song so I started singing along, must have been one of the songs I downloaded not realizing what band it was..A few times I couldnt help myself from cracking up. Some of devins songs r pretty funny and his experssians priceless. I really came away wanting more. Seemed like devin was having fun up there and he was really well recieved by the crowd. No booing or any of the other stuff Ive heard of late. But Im defiantly gonna check out more of his stuff. I think I told my friend this rocks about 10 times.

After a brief pause between sets, getting more jack d and using the shitty restrooms. It was time to rock! Sym X came out and the real show began, There set list is pretty much the same for each show so I knew what to expect songwise. I noticed how much fun the band seemed to be having. Russell and the band looked great. Russells voice to me sounded tight. He showed no sign of road wear at all. Alot of concerts I have went to, After a few songs theres some kind of low. But not this one. Each songs flowed smoothy. Seemed like It all went by to fast. One of the coolest parts of the show and I know this has been mentioned before but king of terrors. The red light was freaky. Russell really looked evil. One thing I noticed was band worked as a unite. Seems they truly do get along. Some bands you can just feel some tension. After about and hour or so to no big suprise they played the odyssey..Then took there bows and was very appriative to the crowd which was nice. I was left wanting more. Cant wait till they tour again. But they need the break.

So after the show I went out back and waited an hour and a half to meet the band. It was so cold. But I guess the band knows who the real fans. While there meet some really nice people and a few from Kentucky too. By the way the guy whos the guitarist, My friend is gonna email ya,shes pretty good friends with outspokens manager. Maybe this will help ya on your way to making it big. When the band came out was nice to get there autographs and say hellos. The biggest thing that sucked is that I wanted to get my picture taken with the band but My freaking cameras batteries was dead from all the pics I had taken. But this guy who I rembered from the dream theater concert, took care of me picturewise. Hopefully he will post his pictures here shortly. And guys check out his work, he a great photographer and a nice guy.

So the night ended with us trying tro make r way out of cinci. We traveled in the ghetto Im sure) And decided not to make the trip back to louisville so we stayed at a hotel. What a night. Ill leave out the hotel details. Just say it was fun. All I have to say is symphony X is one kickass band and Im hooked. Heres some pics I took sorry Im pretty much web/computer stupid so Hope they come out.

jason30 said:
Anyways the show started with devin townsend. I had never heard or seen the dt band before but have heard so much positive and alot of negative here just from reading.

It's a shame people here aren't into Devin's stuff. I'm a big fan of his and I will say I think Dev is a genius. :worship: I may get further into it in the future.

I think a few years ago I heard him with vai. But I may be wrong.

He sang on Vai's "Sex & Religion", but I didn't know he toured with Steve. Then again, I didn't start following each of their careers until a few years later.

There set list is pretty much the same for each show so I knew what to expect songwise.

This is something I've been wondering for a while now and maybe some of you nice people will be able to tell me: why haven't they been playing anything from "The Damnation Game"? I love the record and I'm really amazed (and a bit disappointed) that they have been ignoring it for the last couple of tours.

EDIT - Which doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to get a concert with this setlist they've been playing. I was front row (I could touch the stage from where I was) for both of their concerts here in Brazil and they remain two of the most amazing concerts I've ever been too. I wonder what memories the band has of their concerts here.
Yea - I've been wondering about the absence of anything from Damnation Game - its like a forgotten album. The Edge of Forever would be amazin live! That and a 2+ hour SX Setlist - with CandleLight Fantasia of course.
The Concert at the bogarts was wild. Everything was great. DTP was a great opening act. His stage pressence is crazy. And symphony x was amazing live. Standing in the cold was not that bad becouse everyone was really cool. And then meeting all of symphony x and getting thier sigs on the setlist just made the night all the better. The 4 hour drive back home went so quick becouse we where all still so pumped after the concert.
Ah, yes. I was at that show and it was amazing. Absolutely kickass! I don't know if you saw me, I was a short guy wearing a leather jacket and a symphony x flamed baseball cap. I also waited around back and met the band members. That photographer guy, Wayne Dennon took some photos of me with Russell and Jason Rullo. Also, I had quite an experience with Devin Townsend. I yelled "I love your work, man!" during a break in between songs, and he said back to me "I like yours too." That was pretty crazy. Also, I reached up to the stage while Devin was tearing down his equipment and handed him a demo of my band. Maybe, I hope, he'd be interested in producing us.
SevenRiseUp, I believe I briefly met you while hanging out behind Bogarts. I also saw that roadie guy hand you the setlist. What luck, that's awesome man. Its great that there are people in Cincy with good taste in music!
Shredman, I saw you give your demo to DT, I thought that was pretty cool. I was in front of brother was the guy who caught Rullo's drumstick when he threw it out after the curtain call. I started the "OD-Y-SSEY! OD-Y-SSEY!" chant before the encore :)
i personally dont like dtb that much, though i must comment that they are, especially devin, a great live band with such a presence. That alone was enough for me to enjoy their set. There music is just a little to out there for me, but they have great musician ship and i can see y you guys like him. But its not for me

*ends ramble*
Hey guys, here's some fun Cincinnati photos of me and assorted band members behind Bogart's (I hope these show up):


From left: Mr. Allen, myself, and my friend Chris.


From left: My friend Lou, myself and Jason Rullo.
I was the dood with the white nike hat and black trenchcoat...With the blond chick. Man Im still Pumped from this show. I had every song in order from the setlist on a cd. Weeks before, now when I listen to it brings it all back! Cant wait to check out waynes Pics. When I left he was getting on the tour bus lucky Him!
urinalcakemix said:
Yea - I've been wondering about the absence of anything from Damnation Game - its like a forgotten album. The Edge of Forever would be amazin live! That and a 2+ hour SX Setlist - with CandleLight Fantasia of course.

i think the whole thing was that thye'd play U.S. released stuff in their U.S. headline tour. I dont get it either, but im not complaining they rocked in cincy