Circle story


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Not sure if this has been done before on this forum. Basically I start a story and everyone adds onto it with their own ideas and twists. Turn the story into whatever the hell you want, dark, perverted, funny, whatever. Just try to remain consistent.

I'll start:

Zeke was weary with despair as he looked up at the cloudy night sky of autumn.
Zeke was weary with despair as he looked up at the cloudy night sky of autumn. He looked at the world...and saw that it was still depraved. He relinquished his fear and prowled about through the vast forests. Suddenly he felt the urge to sacrifice a goat, and drink its blood. He knew the urge was wrong, but continued to slaughter for years to come.

He kept repeating after himself Rosseau's words, "that a state of reflection is contrary to nature, and that a thinking man is a depraved animal" He found no escape from his own consciouness.
Then, one day, after years of brutily slaughtering goats, an epiphamy hit him. " What am I doing" he thought, " this is not my purpose, this is not my quest. I have been a fool for all these years. Goats are not for sacrifice. They are for loving."
In the court he fell asleep... and when he awakened, he realized that he was no longer Zeke. Now his name was Ed, and he was a leper. The judge who sat on the oak, told Ed :
I've been sitting on this damn oak for threehundred and fortyfive years now, and it's getting bloddy boring! if you help me down I'll cure your disease AND throw in a great pair of kitchen knives... BUT THAT'S NOT me now, and you'll also get this hand little juice-squeezer at no extra cost!
Zeke was weary with despair as he looked up at the cloudy night sky of autumn. He looked at the world...and saw that it was still depraved. He relinquished his fear and prowled about through the vast forests. Suddenly he felt the urge to sacrifice a goat, and drink its blood. He knew the urge was wrong, but continued to slaughter for years to come. He kept repeating after himself Rosseau's words, "that a state of reflection is contrary to nature, and that a thinking man is a depraved animal" He found no escape from his own consciouness. Then, one day, after years of brutily slaughtering goats, an epiphany hit him. "What am I doing?" he thought, " this is not my purpose, this is not my quest. I have been a fool for all these years. Goats are not for sacrifice. They are for loving." So he started to make love with the goats. But he realised that goats were not the meaning of life, moved to Wales and made loved to a sheep instead. He realized this was his true call, or was it?... After some months he started becaming serious with a certain young sheep. He even thought about marrage, but the sheep was cheating on poor Zeke. So, he killed it out of his disgust in a bloody fury. Zeke decided to take the sheeps blood and go to the nearest catholic church. He began to eat what was left of the poor creature, when suddenly a herd of sheep came along. On the way to the church he was arrested by the police for murder and sent to court. He fortunately came into contact with a nice lawyer named john Cockrin. In the court he fell asleep... and when he awakened, he realized that he was no longer Zeke. Now his name was Ed, and he was a leper. The judge who sat on the oak, told Ed: "I've been sitting on this damn oak for three hundred forty-five years now, and it's getting bloody boring! if you help me down I'll cure your disease AND throw in a great pair of kitchen knives... BUT THAT'S NOT me now, and you'll also get this little hand juice-squeezer at no extra cost!"

After contemplating the idea of owning his very own hand juice-squeezer, Ed couldn't refuse, and he started to gnaw at the base of the judge's tree, with a slight hope that there might be a sheep inside.
So he let him down, and with his cured disease, used his past Goat slaughtering, sheep fucking, blood drinking, leper past as lyrics for his black metal band Goatblut.
which was a total failure 'cause the rest of the blackmetalers thought the leprosy-curing lyrics were too x-tian for the scene.