Circle story

So Ed and the Judge used the blood of the slain lamb to reanimate the pope's lifeless body. They reinstated him as the head of the church and controlled him like a voodoo puppet.
But one girl named Sophia, saw through all of this and decided to...
Sophia infiltrated the Vatican as a nun. She had to get closer to the Pope if she was to ever gather enough evidence to expose the scandal. She knew the mysterious Ed and the nameless old judge were behind it; she just didn't know what they were behind.
and she finds out that the sheep, Ed, and the judge plan to use the Pope to market Goatsblut's 1st album "Sheepfucking Nihilism War"...she concedes that it IS a great plan and joins as the female vocalist, only to be sacked quickly as female vocals are just fucking cheesy...
And so the newly annointed Sophkaz gathered a cult to worship the cow-god Mooocifer. When enough minions were gathered, Moocifer decided that sheep were his enemy, and those who fuck sheep, collaborators. Sophkaz soon declared a holy war on Ed, the judge, the sheep, and the Pope.
The Goatsblut members organized a large benefit concert; they claimed all the income would go to abused lambs, but the truth is that they used the money to finance a huge private army for the upcoming holy war against Mooocifer and his/her followers.
But nay, it was all in vain, for the Force of the Members of Goatsblut (or FOTMOG, as the army came to be known) were routed from the battlefield and took refuge in a load of caves.
which backfired, as errant US warheads slammed into the caves, decimating the forces and once again leaving only Ed. The explosion knocked him in the head and he regained his memory of being Zeke...
Zeke immediatly left the cave fled across the countryside in a state of absolute terror. The bodies of the dead were still fresh in his mind's eye. He ran for hours in random directions. seemingly unaware of his surroundings. He ran until his feet bled. He ran until dusk when he happened upon a small cottage nestled upon a forlorn hillside. Smoke billowed from the chimney and the smell of roast carried on the northwind. Zeke moved stolidly toward the cottage without hesitation, he knew what had to be done.
Zeke was confused, tired, and hungry to the point of famine. He decided to try to play on the sympathy of the owner of the cottage to get a free meal, and if the owner refused, take the food from him by force, along with whatever valuables were around.
He knocked at the door of the cottage, waited; then knocked again, until finally someone opened it: It was Fred Durst! But before he could say a word he was hacked into pieces by Zeke.
Zeke then proceeded to store dursts body away in little cling film bags, to add to freshness. then he gave dursts hat to his beloved goat, who inturn ate it and shat it out, his blood was now poisoned. Zeke had no choice but to change his name to Zekee.
After some frantic scientific research, Zekee discovered that his goat had the ability of nematodes (to absorb the memory of ingested animals). His goat was actually crazy because it had absorbed the memory of fred durst's hat.