Circus Maximus news

Yeah folks that`s right;-) 2 weeks from now we will enter the studio to start recording our next album which is planned to be released in June 2007.

YES! After hearing some of the new songs in Atlanta, I knew a couple of spots on my "best songs of 2007" list were already reserved - as long as the new CD actually came out in 2007! So this is good news :)


You guys rock on so many levels. :headbang:

Can't wait for the new CD, Mike!! Thanks for the teaser clip...sounds awesome (which is not at all a surprise)!

Hope you can make it to ProgPower again this year, whether you're on the stage or not (preferably on, of course)...was great hangin' out with you the past couple of years.

Happy Holidays!!

Best wishes to you guys for a great New Year, looks like you're off to a great start! Thanks for sharing the clip and will be anxiously awaiting the new release!
Very cool video, Mike - thanks for sharing! I'm eagerly awaiting the new album, and this behind the scenes footage would make great material for a bonus DVD (hint, hint) :lol:
Yeah folks that`s right;-) 2 weeks from now we will enter the studio to start recording our next album which is planned to be released in June 2007. Meanwhile enjoy our litle "Cristmas"-teaser..hihi:loco:

Take care

Love from Michael and the guys:)

Hahahahaha! Circus Maximus goes hip-hop.......

Best wishes for a successful 2007 guys, looking forward to the next release!

Those clips sound great! I look forward to the new album! Just an idea...make that silly rap song the secret song/track at the end. :p

Happy New Years!