Circus Maximus wants to go to Six Flags....

Six FLags is probably 30 minutes away from Center Stage on Interstate 20. It is a wonderful amusement park!
Mike Maximus said:
Hi guys;-)

The band and myself are concidering going to Six flags this year , the only question is where and how far away is the park? Is it like a 30 minute drive or are we talking hours here? Why do we wanna go there? GOLIATH that`s why:kickass:

Thx for your help :headbang:

Michael Eriksen

I've been to Six Flags over Georgia myself a couple of years ago (before going to ProgPowers).

As other's said, it is about 20-30 minutes from the Mid-town (Center Stage) area, depending on traffic. It is right off of I-20, heading west out of town.

Also, be sure to ride Georgia Cyclone (an excellent wooden coaster) as well as MindBender (a truly classic Schwartzkopf masterpiece of a ride). And of course, gotta ride the Great American Scream Machine! Yes, I am a bit of a coaster enthusiast myself.
About half an hour... also, you'll probably want to get your tix from a local Publix (grocery store)... they have them for about $30 each (versus about $45 at the park).

Some of us went last year and it was fun, but not so easy after partying all weekend. :)

I think some of us (besides Shaye, who is too into football) are planning to go on Sunday after PP again this year. YardleyBates and I are going on Sunday. You guys gotta get the other bands going as well. It's not that tough to make it after partying all weekend.

Make sure you bring $15 each to do the Fearless Freeps. It's a friggin' blast!
Hey thx for the information..good to hear it is just a half`n hour drive away:)
Anybody tried out Goliath? Looks like the most spectacular ride EVER!!!!!! We sure won`t make it there on Sunday since we are heading back home that day , but I guess wednesday or friday..allthough I really would not wanna be 200 feet up in the air with a "hangover"..hihi:puke:

See ya:headbang:
Yippee38 said:
I think some of us (besides Shaye, who is too into football) are planning to go on Sunday after PP again this year. YardleyBates and I are going on Sunday. You guys gotta get the other bands going as well. It's not that tough to make it after partying all weekend.

Make sure you bring $15 each to do the Fearless Freeps. It's a friggin' blast!

I'll be going again too. Sundays seem like the day most of us hit it....

If we can get an approx count maybe we can get a group discount of some kind?

Mike, Shannon- Can I ride with you guys again?

-Metal AKA The Ride moocher.
Mike Maximus said:
Anybody tried out Goliath? Looks like the most spectacular ride EVER!!!!!! We sure won`t make it there on Sunday since we are heading back home that day , but I guess wednesday or friday..allthough I really would not wanna be 200 feet up in the air with a "hangover"..hihi:puke:

Goliath is a really, really fun ride. It's really smooth and the seats are actually pretty comfortable. The first drop is absolutely terrifying though. While your there, definitely check out Batman, Superman, Ninja, and Mindbender. With the Batman, your legs are dangling in the air and with the Superman, the seats are made so you're completely horizontal and it feels like you're flying. The Ninja has a ton of loops and corkscrews and things like that and the Mindbender is just an overall great coaster.
dcowboys311 said:
Goliath is a really, really fun ride. It's really smooth and the seats are actually pretty comfortable. The first drop is absolutely terrifying though. While your there, definitely check out Batman, Superman, Ninja, and Mindbender. With the Batman, your legs are dangling in the air and with the Superman, the seats are made so you're completely horizontal and it feels like you're flying. The Ninja has a ton of loops and corkscrews and things like that and the Mindbender is just an overall great coaster.

Personally, I hated the Ninja. I left that ride with a headache. Ick. But oh well.

Maybe I'll make little "flyers" of sorts to pass out saying when and where people will meet for the "group" of PPVIIers going to Six Flags.

Thoughts? Objections? Suggestions of place and time to meet?

I'm thinking 10 am at X hotel

Man, you guys are insane.... after drinking and partying for four days, you're going to go ride rollercoasters??????
Kathy said:
Man, you guys are insane.... after drinking and partying for four days, you're going to go ride rollercoasters??????

Well, I can't really think of anything more metal than rollercoasters (aside from the wooden ones, I guess).
Dammit, I can just see it now... y'all are gonna steal him away from me... I'm sure my husband would rather go to 6F than watch football with me... :) I was in such a foul mood last year, though, I don't think I want to rick it again.

Anyway, yes, Goliath was pretty cool, but you HAVE to do as Yippee says and try Fearless Freep's Daredevil Dive. It is insanely cool. Some of us went in May after my wedding, and we not only got to ride Goliath, but Freep's even gave us a free second ride as a wedding gift. :D

Metal, for a group discount, you have to have at least 15 people, buy the tix in advance, and the discount isn't really much (a couple of bucks per ticket) off what you'd save buying them at Publix. I would recommend just buying tix at Publix, like we did. Only maybe before the day of the trip. :)

dcowboys311 said:
Goliath is a really, really fun ride. It's really smooth and the seats are actually pretty comfortable. The first drop is absolutely terrifying though. While your there, definitely check out Batman, Superman, Ninja, and Mindbender. With the Batman, your legs are dangling in the air and with the Superman, the seats are made so you're completely horizontal and it feels like you're flying. The Ninja has a ton of loops and corkscrews and things like that and the Mindbender is just an overall great coaster.

Hehe yeah I`ve seen the "Goliath-movie " and that first drop is just:OMG:
Just by looking at the clip I can just imagine the

We have just gotten home from a gig we had in Gothenborg Sweden and there we visited the amusement-park Liseberg and we are now totally hooked on roller-coasters...allthough the coaster in Liseberg were "only" a 100 feet high, it kicked some serious ass:headbang: I can only imagine 200 that is so way up there..hmm don`t think we`ll go there on wednesday..don`t wanna catch a draft up there and damage the voice for the pre-party...hihihihihi:loco: And yeah those other rides looks awesome to..what a week this will be:) :) :)

See ya