Circus Maximus, we LOVE you!


New Metal Member
Jul 12, 2011
Greetings from Hungary,

I'm just dying for your music recently. I found it much earlier but I've just realised how FANTASTIC you are! Everybody compares you to Dream Theater and I think there's no problem with that due to the fact that your music often remembers me of DT as well.
But most people should also realise that you're not a second Dream Theater, you are nothing less than them except for the fact that they are legendary and have a loong history.
Also, some say that your music is so awesome because it is ranged to a wider audience, because it is enjoyable for those who aren't in progressive so much. I partly agree with that because of your music being a mixture of prog, power and heavy metal, but I think that your music can only be really appreciated and respected by those who are into progressive music and instruments deeply.
The progression of the songs, the usage of harmonies and melodies, the tightness is just absolutely mindblowing! The thing that makes you even tighter than anything I've ever heard is the holy palm-muted guitar and the drum playing the same patterns. It just creates a weird tight sound throughout riffs.
Sorry for comparing, but really, Petrucci-like (godlike if its better :)) guitar solos there. Along with godlike guitar-keyboard unisons.
I love the vocalist's voice as well!
That's my little critique review for what I could come to my mind for now. I hope you can learn from it.
Also, if the new album comes out and you are on a European tour, don't ever dare to forget Hungary, because I'm going to murder somebody if you don't come here :D

Written by a DT-fan guitar-player.
Being a massive DT fan myself, I've always failed to see how CM sounds exactly like DT.
On the debut, maybe a little, but on Isolate there is such a great AOR influence there which makes them sound like no other band!