Classic Film Moments


Captain Information
Jan 2, 2006
huddersfield UK
You know those bits in films that you just know you'll not forget.... instant classics that change the way you see films.... especially when you're a kid.

there don't seem to be as many anymore.

for example:

The first time you see luke fire the lightsaber up.

The librarian ghost at the beginning of Ghostbusters.

The airduct sequence in Alien.

and modern ones:

Autobots arrival on earth in transformers.

The batpod coming out of the tumbler in the dark knight.

add to the lists!!!
"KAAAAAAAAAHHHNNN!!!!" - James T. Kirk in Star Trek II The Wrath Of Kahn.

Mr Sulu - "Whats the word Sir?"
Kirk - "The word, is NO. Therefore I am going anyway." - From Star Trek III The Search For Spock
Also anything Monty Python ever did

Yep - I've watched 'holy grail' a lot of times (toooo many really) and the cow coming over the fort walls still makes me crack up.

And Matt hit the one that I loved most recently - the batpod coming out of the tumbler. At no time prior to the film coming out did I cop on to where it might come from. And when it did pop out? I was like a little kid.
doesnt get more classic than this. :D

Dr. Peter Venkman: Alice, I'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay? Have you or any of your family been diagnosed schizophrenic? Mentally incompetant?
Librarian Alice: My uncle thought he was Saint Jerome.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'd call that a big yes. Uh, are you habitually using drugs? Stimulants? Alcohol?
Librarian Alice: No.
Dr. Peter Venkman: No, no. Just asking. Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?
Library Administrator: What's has that got to do with it?
Dr. Peter Venkman: Back off, man. I'm a scientist.
Pretty much every scene in Terminator 2. Watched it recently for the first time in about a decade and every single scene I was going "oh shit, it's this bit...".

For example:

Ginger kid on motorbike blasting You Could Be Mine
Arnie with a massive gun tramping on the roses
Truck chasing motorbike
Tanker full of liquid nitrogen on its side freezing the T-1000 who cracks to bits then melts and reassembles
Arnie shooting loads of policemen with a huge mini-gun and killing 0.0 of them.
Hasta La Vista Baby

And that's just off the top of my head. Ladies and Gentlemen, I make the case for Terminator 2 as containg more classic film moments than any other movie :heh:
I join the terminator 2 cause!! bloody legendary.

apart from edward furlongs bad dubbing it may be one of the greatest films ever made. Arnie stepping out with the minigun is a classic. and i've wathed it again and again, but it amazes me every time = arnie belts it past the truck on the bike to grab john connor, have you seen the space between the wall and the truck????? its fucking unbelievable they actually did that. but they did. christ i love that film, the gunshots sound awesome, ARNIES CRAPPY SMILE is comical genius.
another - The Shining, danny riding his little bike around the corridors of the overlook hotel and turning the corner to see the twins just stood staring at him, there's nothing there to make you jump or anything, it just looks so fucking weird and scary.
"Arcee: Did we have to let 'em detonate three quarters of the ship?
Springer: Seeing as how they would have detonated *four* quarters, I think it was a good choice. "

also when The Touch by stan bush comes on in that movie damn good!
another - The Shining, danny riding his little bike around the corridors of the overlook hotel and turning the corner to see the twins just stood staring at him, there's nothing there to make you jump or anything, it just looks so fucking weird and scary.

i always thought there was a good thrash song in that movie somewere. i just havn't been arsed to wright it yet.