Classics Reborn

If you remember Leo Getz (Joe Pesci) in Lethal Weapon it's kind of like him singing on stage.
If DLR's defence it was not his concert, he was the guest there to sing Jump but it is LOL funny to see someone who was once at the forefront of rock (I guess) do what he's doing.
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The singing wasn't much but for some reason he really reminded me of Leo Getz without the dialogue
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I keep reading headlines about Mark Anthony not being approached for a VH reunion. If that is an indication of how DLR wants to dress and preform I think Mark is dodging a bullet :)
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I don't know that VH have the need for a come back. Personalities aside, money fights aside I don't know that DLR can cut it as a flamboyant front man any more and if they chose Sammy as the front man for the reunion they'd just cop shit.
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I agree I think Roth is just not up to it and if he did anything I'd rather see him Vai and Billy at this point. Butchering VH doesn't do it for me anymore. not even nostalgia. Let him butcher some songs he hasn't done in a long time.
I think if they hadn't done a tour with Roth in the last couple years they would get major shit from people if they brought back Sammy. Now I think it'd be mixed back to the same old..."he's not Roth" and the" Sammy is better live" camps. But Sammy has said he wouldn't do it unless Mikey was back in also. Funny how the two frontmen want Mike back and the VH bros apparently hate him.
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That's a good perspective, butcher something he hasn't butchered before :)

I believe there as some fight over money that Eddie wouldn't pay or didn't think he was worthy of. I don't know the ins and outs but it's not difficult to think the EVH can be a pig when it comes to money, or anything really.

I wasn't a huge van of VH at any time and didn't really get involved in who was the better front man because I liked songs from both. Jump was a cool song but I also loved Dreams.
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That's a good perspective, butcher something he hasn't butchered before :)

I believe there as some fight over money that Eddie wouldn't pay or didn't think he was worthy of. I don't know the ins and outs but it's not difficult to think the EVH can be a pig when it comes to money, or anything really.

I wasn't a huge van of VH at any time and didn't really get involved in who was the better front man because I liked songs from both. Jump was a cool song but I also loved Dreams.
Yeah I liked stuff from both eras as well.
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Haha that would have been fitting :)
The light show was kind of impressive but I guess when the music is so crap they have to have something to entertain the people.
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