Classics Reborn

I suppose given that he was a guest to the DJ maybe the night wasn't wasted for the people that came to see him. What possessed DLR to actually do it has me wondering, but I guess money talks no matter how much it is.
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A night with a DJ is a night wasted :D:lol:...unless there's free food! Good question, I do wonder what kind of money Dave gets offered for something like that? And was there a refusal and a counter offer? How bad did they want him?
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I don't know what it's like over there but I think these sort of shows here are just an excuse to try new drugs. Seems like nearly every huge rave event we have in this country ends up with someone dead and heaps hospitalised. It's got to the point where some of the governments are actually considering pill testing (without any incriminations) just to try and tell people what is in the shit they are taking because too much of it is laced with shit like drain cleaner and rat poison.

From what I read Dave wanted to be there when he found out how much the guy liked VH and the song, but I'm sure money would have changed hands and I would hope that they paid for the name not the performance because the performance was shit :)
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Yeah I think you're exactly right about that. The new Raves lol. People are always dying or hospitalized in groups at these things.

Crap yeah, it had to be for the name and frankly I'm surprised the name commands anything. He was getting bad around 90, then he went from bad to obscurity to even worse now.
I guess you tell Dave he's the greatest and he's there!
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I'm sure DLR has a magical figure but I was surprised to see him on the grounds that I thought he'd retired, or fallen into obscurity. Maybe he was holidaying in the area and someone spotted him, I have no idea but it seems weird that they flew him in especially for that 5 minute speak along.
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I wonder if the hobo look is a choice or it just happens at a certain age :) Although in Bruce's defence the full shot of him doesn't look quite as hobo, it looks more like an old man confused about fashion.
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I think there was something about Metallica helping the homeless somewhere, maybe Lars is just getting a feel for what they go through
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He's got to be good at something!
Considering their latest tour is breaking records everywhere I don't think them throwing a bit of money to a few charities would be a big deal. Kirk could give his house to the homeless since no one else wants to buy it.
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