Classics Reborn

Well I think he spent a long time in that closet so there could be a lot of stuff in there.
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Interesting concept and something that KK would not approve of. He's despised the guys from Maiden since their early days supporting JP because he thought they were arrogant, rude and expected people to think of them as the best. He named Steve, Paul and Bruce several times with disdain and then finished the conversation off with, "but we've crossed paths since and Paul is ok."
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Haha, no KK would leave the band again with two more letters. On another note. KISS is metal? some of their stuff has tinges of it. but I wouldn't label them a metal band. Hard rock ok, but Metal?
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I do find it a little funny that KK now says Paul's ok, both Paul and KK have destroyed themselves with their mouths after leaving a band they were part of.

I think metal comes down to a generic thing in most news articles now. I don't think anyone would truly place KISS in a metal category but when your speaking in interviews it's easier to just not categorise everything. The downside is that boundaries do get crossed. I think it comes down too not giving the interviewer too many words at once, less words the less chance they get confused and write shit no one said
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Did Paul talk a bunch of shit? I can't remember but I wouldn't be surprised at all. He seems like someone who's only gotten mellow with age.

Yeah I guess. It just seems weird to me that an interviewer of musicians would do that. She could have just said bands. Eh whatever right? lol.
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Paul talked quite a bit of shit before leaving, that's part of the reason he was asked to leave. KK's not entirely wrong when he says Maiden treated them with disrespect in the early years, apparently most of it was Paul, but Steve had an ego KK didn't accept. Then in later years he's been outspoken about just about everything and everyone. His book is probably only rivalled by KK's when it comes to "who can I throw under a bus today". I think he's backed off a bit in the last ten years or so and I think he's also got some success of his own with his band, but he was a real prick for years.

I would have thought bands would be sufficient because I could imagine a band like JP that came from a not so metal background could collaborate with many different groups not just metal bands. But you still gotta remind your audience your into metal by mentioning it all the time :)
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There has been stories for years that Steve Harris has an ego and always thought Maiden was going to be huge. Some suggest he was a prick in the early years, others suggest driven. So I think KK's stories about Maiden might have some merit, but he describes Bruce the same as Paul and from what I've seen the two are nothing alike. I guess maybe with Paul out of Maiden for what must be about 25 years he's realised the bitterness helps no one, where a KK has only been abused by his former band for about 10 years :)
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Well he was right! They are huge! I honestly haven't heard anything about Steve. But I also wouldn't be surprised about it either. Yeah I would say Paul and Bruce are night and day.
Aww poor KK. Poor poor KK. So abused and under appreciated! :D
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I'm not surprised that Steve has an ego, many musos do. I'm also not surprised he thought they deserved stardom, positive thinking can be a powerful motivator. But I guess only those who saw it first hand could say whether he was just driven or a real shit.

Yeah KK should start another band, he's not done it once before, I'm sure he could not do it again :)
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Yeah I made the mistake of reading that article before reading the Karl Logan one. Nothing excuses what Karl did but geez looking at the comments I'm not sure he's the worst of society.
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I haven't read that one yet but in general most of the commenters seem to live in glass houses lol.

I didn't realize Doro had three records in the 90's that didn't even get released in the US. I wonder if they have been since then.
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I accept what Karl did will attract people to comment, but lumping the band in his acts is wrong without proof. Same as the way they attack Pete Townsend, we all might have opinions on what he did but they are that, the police cleared him, I think they know more about the case than posters on a shittalk website do but the posters claim he paid his way out and kick him. Without proof they just look like idiots.

I would hazard a guess that one of those albums was Machine II Machine which was more of an electronica album which I think she did as a contractual thing. There was a time in the 90's that some suggested she had sold out because her music went soft and she did use synths and stuff. But a lot of what she was doing at the time was in response to her local market and her local label, some of it paved the way for bigger stuff later but it was quite removed from her days of Warlock.
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Oh they all read or listen to something and then immediately follow it with their real version of what happened lol. They know all and best.

Ah ok...maybe I don't want to hear it lol.
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Yep and with such a polarising topic it's probably unfair not to expect them to be morons :)

No I don't think so. I have heard it but it's not at all memorable I would buy her EP's in foreign languages before I bought Machine II Machine if I was after a Doro album. I don't think the sales of the album were huge but what she did in some of those years led her to be be accepted as a world wide success at home. She got to collaborate on a lot of different stuff and she was even chosen to write the theme music for Germany's top female boxer. I guess for her it's like metal bands getting to write entry music for wrestlers, but she got to write 8 songs or something.
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