Classics Reborn

I don't understand the mentality of doing it. I understand having a bit of fun and throwing a few pieces of dirt around with mates but actively seeking the media to spread such stories to me just doesn't have value. He hasn't made his book a best seller and he doesn't need the albums sales, he's just made himself look like a dick. It's only the die hard, set in stone, JP can't be JP without KK fans that even give a shit about him now.

Yeah KK invented Black Sabbath :) It was only jamming from memory no official band or anything. It was at a time where most of those people grew up together. He started school (grade school or whatever they call it at about age 5) with Ian, then as they got older Ian moved into bands KK just played a shitty old guitar. Then by the time KK thought he was ready for a band Ian had been in several and they had already start JP. KK's band at the time (I can't remember the name) was going nowhere fast but part of that time before he and Ian actually started talking KK was playing with a few other people.
He's still playing a shitty old guitar..oh wait he sold it. :rofl:
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I remember thinking the same thing when I first saw the clip. Considering how much different that girl looks in other shows and movies I think it's a fair comparison. I can even imagine Donna singing like that but I don't ever remember them doing anything music related like that in the show. I know Hyde worked in the music shop with Tommy Chong, but starting a band was about the only thing they didn't do.
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Maybe they missed their chance in the show. They could have had a band and it might have given the cast something better to do with their careers. Although I say that without really following any one of them. I've seen Eric and Hyde on a few comedies I don't remember the name of. I saw Donna in a few things and Fez is now on NCIS playing a talking dick. But I'm not sure they've had the success of Ashton and Mila.
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I think as far as acting rolls/talent Eric has them all beat, but all I can think of is right now is Spiderman and Predators.. Mla is a shitty actress imo and the only quality movie I've seen her in was TED. Kutcher's been in a couple movies but nothing great. And Hyde just does shit on Netflix.
...yeah PLAYS a walking dick...:rolleyes::rofl:
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Was Eric really in that much? I suppose I haven't watched that many movies so I only remember him in a few sitcom type show and even those I can't remember the name of. I think he was in one with the big guy from Everyone Loves Raymond. Mila isn't great but she is a go to chick for Hollywood, whatever it is they see in her obviously sells, but I'm not sure who it sells too. I'm not a huge fan of Kutcher either but I know he's been in movies and some of those movies were successful. I don't really think I'd want to be known for Dude Where's My Car? though. I can't remember anything Hyde's been in either. You could be right about Fez though, maybe he's not acting. It's apparently the most popular drama in the world but why NCIS thought they needed an overbearing know it all dick to ruin so many scenes is beyond me.
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Oh I know what they see in her lol. Yeah Eric's been in some good fliks. But more than that I feel like he pulls of more rolls than just acting like himself in different movies like most of the others. But you know. None of it is really saying that much lol.
Yeah but she's a mum now and perving on mum's is wrong :) Although she does have a dirty mind going by some of the things I've heard her say.

Eric to me was always the one I figured would be called for the whiny role in whatever he played. But I thought Donna would go further.
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Oh man if that's the cut off a lot of people are in trouble!

Yeah I agree I didn't think he'd do much and I did think she'd do more. Her and Hyde are both living off Netflix lol.
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Actually I just had a look on IMDB and was surprised how many roles each have done that I haven't seen.

I've seen Hyde in the sitcom(?) Men At Work and that barely watchable. Nothing else on his IMDB rings any bells
Eric, there is nothing on the list that rings a bell although I'm sure we watched a sitcom about 4 guys living together which had him in it about 10 years ago.
Donna I remember in one episode of Castle and she turned up in Man At Work with Hyde once.
Fez, nothing other than NCIS
Mila I have seen in the TED movies, the Bad Moms movies and obviously Family Guy but not much else.
Ashton I know is in Two and a Half Men because it's re-run here on a permanent basis, otherwise I have only seen him in that What Happens in Vegas movie and I only watched that because of Cameron Diaz

Guess I don't watch as much TV as I thought.
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Oh I still get some obscure shit. My wife finds the weirdest shit to watch, some of it thankfully she doesn't subject me too but unfortunately some of it she does.
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Okay so I'm at the point now where I think Dee's given up music for a career in comedy. I read the first part of this story the other day (where he called out the airline without admitting the full story). But round two where he now claims that the airline has released sensitive information has to be an attempt at comedy. As one of the commentors points out, the only sensitive information the airline showed is how low her IQ is to put her travel papers through the washing machine. As for refusing her because she's goth, serious? Dee needs to look up the difference between goth and just plain fucking ugly! (oops is that too harsh?)
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