Classics Reborn

Uh yeah. He's the one that put out sensitive info. Jack ass. How is her name sensitive anyway? harsh...let's just say she's a chip off the ole block and leave it at that. She must be wishing he'd shut the fuck up.
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I might have accepted the sensitivity of releasing the name if he hadn't done it first, but he's the one the made a big deal of it, tried to claim it was something that it wasn't and then cried foul when they responded. I bet if they responded with "potential customer X" he'd have cracked the shits because they were too scared to name her because naming goths is against company policy.

I do find it funny that this girl is 20(something), an adult in her own right and she doesn't look like she's made a peep about it, but big bad daddy has been carrying on like a dick. I also like the way that he had to point out in the first Twitter blast that he'd spent lots of money on first class travel with them. The guy really has turned into an entitled fuckwit that thinks the world owes him something because he sang one hit song in the 80's.
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I thought it was funny that he claims two other airlines said her passport was fine and that it was bias keeping her off the flight. Sure.
He's only going to get worse with this type of shit.
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I've seen paper go through a washing machine, some types are worse than others, but I would reckon pretty much all airlines would question travel papers that have gone through one.
I know some people say even bad publicity is good publicity but he's really pushing shit up hill with this one.
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I just looked at their bio on Metal Archives and I don't even remember the album covers. Obviously I was really missing something :)
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Their story is another one of those that you don't really want to believe either side, but at the same time it's entirely possibly that both sides are right.
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