Classics Reborn

It will be interesting to see what he'd dredged up. Not sure about the story though, it's not like people don't know most of the story already.
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Yeah I agree, most of it I'm sure is old news. I guess it could be good if you have kids and are trying to introduce them to thrash. Of course I'd be sitting there knit picking the whole thing :p
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It's not the sort of thing I'd do but there is a bloke over in Western Australia who started out making shit like that, he now does it for a living. Calls himself OzzyMan and the guy interviews movies stars, sports stars, all sorts of people and is popular simply for taking the piss out of things.
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Puttin my feet up as we speak :p

From what I understand Youtube rates aren't that great, but apparently you only need that one successful video and suddenly even the stuff you've done which is shit starts attracting viewers.
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Man wtf. At his most wasted I could still kind of understand Cheech!

Haha, maybe it's the different substances. I presume Vince is high on life (or maybe food) Cheech probably only got high off food when it was cooked with herbs.
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It will be hilarious if they have to cut shows short, or cut the tour short because Vince can't cope. (Not because I want to particularly see Vince fail but I honestly don't care if Tommy and Nikki take a kick in the balls)

I read the other day that MC might not be the most expensive ticket this year in the US. GNR are reportedly charging $1000 for the pit, $250 for seats and $50 for the nosebleeds.
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I'd love to see him fail. IF. He hasn't put any effort in to get himself in shape, including his voice. If you're going to be pulling in that kind of money you owe it to the fans to be the best you can be.

Holy crap that's some dough right there!
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Yeah I totally agree about the effort thing, he does need to put in 100%. However even seeing him a few months ago he could perform, it may not be Vince of old but he was still okay and at least he was out there. Nikki and Tommy were only flapping their gums.

I can't believe that people are willing to pay that having probably seen GNR only 18 months ago on their last tour. There isn't even any new music to hear.
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