Classics Reborn

I remember that image from a local magazine around the late 80's early 90's.
If I remember correctly it was for the 1990 Clash of the Titans tour and Suicidal were the opening act.
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I reckon I looked at that image every day for about three months. It was the cover shot of a local mag, they had an interview with Dave and Tom and they were asked if they were coming to Australia. They said yes and I hung on to the mag as a reminder to keep an eye out for tickets, but the tour never came here. Megadeth came by themselves the following year, Suicidal came about 3 years later, Slayer not for about 5 years and Testament took about 15 years to get here.
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Damn I give him points for posting this himself

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I can't believe he's hid it this long.

Well I guess some of the signs where there, the shaking and the voice, but I reckon he's done so many drugs and shit over the years people were willing to put anything like that down to the abuse he'd done to himself.

Commentary gold once again. From the idiots picking on his 'most of my life' comment to the one genuine expert who reckons going to Switzerland to see a doctor is a waste of time. Fuck yeah Ozzy, forget what you've been told a guy on the internet says you're wasting your time seeing doctors.
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I think Ozzy's shown the typical signs of being an alcoholic for years. Those shakes might be a sign of parkinsons, but there is a lot more alcoholics and addicts in general who suffer similar type shakes especially when they are breaking the habit.

Imagine all people just gave up like that dickhead suggests. Doc: "You're sick, you should see an expert who might help you deal with it." Internet expert: "Nah don't waste your time, I've seen people die, you will too." Patient: "Well doc I understand you're trained, the expert is trained and educated, but honestly I think the internet has this one covered."
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Yeah man the dbags are really out. Someone in the Maiden article. Rags on Steve because he answered a question and then out of nowhere bags on that poor Astronaut teacher who was killed in the 80's when the Challenger exploded. I mean wtf kind of miserable piece of shit comes up with that?
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Oh damn, I didn't get that far in the comments on Steve's article. It's amazing just how far people can go to put hate on something. I've always thought that if politicians put as much effort into running the world as they do fighting we'd have solved world peace, global warning and poverty. But if idiots on the internet put the effort they use up being complete dicks into their jobs we probably wouldn't need politicians to being with.
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