Classics Reborn

There is a bush fire benefit concert going on at the moment here. The bands aren't anything much for a metal head, Queen and Adam Lambert are on later but Alice Cooper just blew the place apart. He only got 5 songs, Department Of Youth, I'm 18, Poison, Schools Out, (one more I can't remember) but he still gave 100% and had the entire place rocking. At 72 the guy is a legend, I first saw him 31 years ago and he's really lost nothing on stage after all these years. Pity there is nothing else worth seeing on this show.
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His birthday was only in the last few weeks...Doro told me :)
None of the bands got much of a go really, even Queen who were the ones to offer the idea for the gig only got 5 songs.
I was one of those people who decided I'd never like Queen again when they replaced Freddie with a guy from a singing competition. But I admit now I was wrong. Adam Lambert is fucking amazing as a lead man for Queen. He doesn't try to be be Freddie but he is every bit as powerful, every bit as commanding and geez the guy can sing.
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Or go to Bandcamp where it's free to preview and you only have to buy what you actually like. In most cases those you chose to buy also sees more money go back to the artist rather than a label. Not that it means much these days but bandcamp CD's often come with extras for nothing too.
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Most bands, maybe not all, offer a CD option. Some are a little pricey because I don't think any do free postage but there is definitely plenty of CD options. The other thing too is that many 'labelled' bands that aren't yet breaking the world are on bandcamp so often they have links to Amazon etc where you can buy physical copies.
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I put in time listening, although sometimes I get through an album and realise I've barely heard a song on the whole album, but I put less time into following. I'll buy new albums and listen to a wide number of bands but I'm less caring about what these bands do between albums. I read the news sites over breakfast and see what pops up on facebook but I'm not waiting for every piece of news about any one band.
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When I listen it's still mostly my same bands. Not nearly enough newer bands, like Hazzard and Tantara etc. The biggest stint I've had in forever was the new Possessed and Exhorder. Both of which had albums so far apart they may as well be new lol.
We need a thread for best new bands of the last...ten? years. and maybe add best comebacks.
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