Classics Reborn

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Wow senility is a real bitch huh?

Haha it really does sound like the guy has lost it. But what is even funnier is reading the comments and seeing the number of people saying shit like "he's showed them nothing but respect" or "he hasn't said anything bad". Seriously I think some of his fans need the same enema he needs.

Oh no I hope he doesn't use it as a chance to kick KK, or to make it some gay rights thing. It's another bio I would more than likely pick up but if it's going to be a book of pay back or stories about how hard it is to be a gay man in metal then I'm not interested. My only hope is that when he was here with Fight back in about 94 he wasn't bitchy and whiny after the show.

Hehe one of the quotes from the article (which was from an old interview)

In a 2014 interview Halford was asked how the guys in JUDAS PRIEST maintain their privacy in the age of the Internet and social media, when everything is out there now. "It's a very good question, and it's basically trust and respect for each," Halford replied.
Four years on and KK's prove how much that respect works.
Hahaa I remember that answer from Rob. KK didn't see it I guess. I'm sure his book will contain some things you don't like.
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Hahaa I remember that answer from Rob. KK didn't see it I guess. I'm sure his book will contain some things you don't like.

I don't have a problem with him (or anyone else) being gay, although he didn't hit on me backstage after the Fight gig so he obviously has bad taste...and an accurate gaydar. I also expect his book to have stories related to being gay but there is so much more to Rob than just being gay so to focus on it to me seems poor form.

It's kind of like one of the comments on that page, some dickhead said he hated the Bruce Dickinson bio because it focused too much on planes and not enough on Maiden. What the hell is the point of BD writing HIS life story but not focusing on his entire life. Bruce's life is more than just Maiden just like I'm sure Rob's life is more than just being gay (and arguing with KK).
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I don't have a problem with him (or anyone else) being gay, although he didn't hit on me backstage after the Fight gig so he obviously has bad taste...and an accurate gaydar. I also expect his book to have stories related to being gay but there is so much more to Rob than just being gay so to focus on it to me seems poor form.

It's kind of like one of the comments on that page, some dickhead said he hated the Bruce Dickinson bio because it focused too much on planes and not enough on Maiden. What the hell is the point of BD writing HIS life story but not focusing on his entire life. Bruce's life is more than just Maiden just like I'm sure Rob's life is more than just being gay (and arguing with KK).
I would hope it wouldn't just be Priest. Just like Bruce's book. They've seen and know a lot of stuff.
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I would hope it wouldn't just be Priest. Just like Bruce's book. They've seen and know a lot of stuff.

There is something like 15 years where he did Fight and his other solo stuff, even a christmas record. There is no doubt a childhood. I'm sure there is even a life away from the band while he was in Priest. He's got a lot to talk about. But I think the sort of person what makes a comment like Bruce writing too much about topics other than Maiden are also the sort of people who would buy KK's book hoping to only read about how much of a prick Rob is, or how he was pushed out by Ian, or some other shit that is only there to created headlines.
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Actually I think in the comments The Dirt was brought up more than once as a suggestion on how the book should be written.

I have The Dirt and I do treat a lot of it like a work of fiction but there is no way I want a book like that from people like BD or RH, I just wouldn't buy it.
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If even half the rumours about early Priest songs are correct Rob's got a hundred stories too write, although they'd all be about being gay or closet gay.
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Oh no not that song, they were dressed like that because it was cool :P

I find it funny that once the rumours of his sexuality were confirmed people started finding all these 'gay' connections in the songs, even in the songs he didn't write. Up until he came out apparently the same words were heterosexual, but as soon as he was a gay man it was all leather, chains and gay clubs.
The experts who can read into such things properly will probably suggest he was hitting on Sebbie.

Actually there was some SJW's who suggested he was a pedo when he sung with Babymetal.
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