Cloverfield Discussion - Spoiler Warning!


Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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I think my favorite part in the movie is when the monster ate the camera guy.. Just the whole experience of ... I dunno, being ... EATEN was just too much. Also, he helicoptor going down and the ending with the bomb, I just got a feeling of being 'there' and the whole 'holy shit this is real' part of my brain kept acting up.

Good movie, but I sure as hell wouldn't have gone back for that chick.
I've heard in the last part of the film where it is the ferris wheel footage if you look in the corner of the screen you can see it capture something falling from the sky and falling into the ocean. Also at the end of the film you hear a voice that says it's still alive.

You know the rumors about it being a Voltron movie. what if it still is and in the 2nd part the lions come from space after it. Who knows, I always assumed the monster was a mutated sea creature like a turtle or something, but I don't anything that could resist that sort of bombardment. I know making it impervious to harm makes it that much more scarier but even organic armor such as scales,shells,etc only go so far. Seems like the only thing that could take it out would have to be otherworldy and huge.

I'm definately overthinking this movie too much and giving J.J too much credit that this is somehow more fleshed out then simply it is what it is.

one thing that seemed weird about the movie was the monster's scale. In some scenes it's so huge, and in other's it's not that big yet it can topple skyscrapper apartment complexes, and I guess it jumped to take out the helicopter? but when it ate the cameraguy it was looking at him and only bit him in half, you would think something that huge would swallow him whole and/or not even pay attention to the ants.

Regardless it was a fun ride, if you like this sort of disaster/end of the world type theme you might want to check out the show Life Without People tonight at 9pm eastern on the History or TLC channel I think.
You know, I noticed the scaling of the monster too, especially in the end scene, where it seemed like it's mouth was only big enough to handle one person. That was kind of lame. It definitely did not scale. As for the monster's design, did you notice how it didn't have legs? It reminded me a lot of something out of Silent Hill.

As for a Voltron movie.. that would be cheesy as fuck and I'd eat it up.
I've heard in the last part of the film where it is the ferris wheel footage if you look in the corner of the screen you can see it capture something falling from the sky and falling into the ocean. Also at the end of the film you hear a voice that says it's still alive.

I was looking for something like that during the ferris wheel scene but must of missed it. I also didn't hear the voice at the end either. Guess i have to go see it again.

You know the rumors about it being a Voltron movie.

I have not heard those rumors - please eloborate.

Perfect movie. First movie in a loooong time I didn't go away nit-picking flaws or finding continuity errors, or bitching about acting, or special effects glitches... PERFECT. Everything fuckin DIES, nobody survives, invincible monster... BRING ON VOLTRON!!!
I was looking for something like that during the ferris wheel scene but must of missed it. I also didn't hear the voice at the end either. Guess i have to go see it again.

I have not heard those rumors - please eloborate.

When the trailer first came out attached to transformers, people could swear someone said big lion or something like that. After that people put 2 and 2 together and assumed the fake title and cover up was for Voltron. It was also assumed to be a Cthulu movie and whatever else you can think of going by assumptions on the viral campaign websites.

Personally I'm just saying, if the sequal introduced Voltron this would be the best setup movie ever. There are so many things and directions they could do with the story even repeating it from the army's perspective, etc. But I think the reality is the writers don't know anymore about the origin then we do, it just is and it just attacks new york for no other reason simply that it just does. I'm hoping that is not the case though and they pull a Kaiser Souyze.

On another note I heard that it was like $30 mil to make the movie, that is insane. The effects work is astonishing for such a low budget.
I enjoyed this movie. However, the noises the spawn (the spiderlike things that dropped off the mosnter) made when attacking were the STUPIDEST noises ever. Anyone here ever worked with sugar gliders and heard the noises they make when pissed off? Those were the noises those spawn made. They sounded like pissed off sugar gliders! That took away some of the intensity of the film for me.

I got the impression that the monster could change its size. Overall, the creature put me in mind of an Elder Thing.

I couldn't quite figure out where the tentacles came from. Where the tentacles it's tail?
But I think the reality is the writers don't know anymore about the origin then we do, it just is and it just attacks new york for no other reason simply that it just does. I'm hoping that is not the case though and they pull a Kaiser Souyze.

Frankly, I think that if thats the case, it's fucking brilliant. Movies like that are so very rare. IE: The Cube. People wind up in a giant death puzzle, with no reason why, and by the time the movie is over, you get no answers at all.

Specualtion is awesome.
I enjoyed this movie. However, the noises the spawn (the spiderlike things that dropped off the mosnter) made when attacking were the STUPIDEST noises ever. Anyone here ever worked with sugar gliders and heard the noises they make when pissed off? Those were the noises those spawn made. They sounded like pissed off sugar gliders! That took away some of the intensity of the film for me.

I owned Sugar Gliders for 6 months, and I didn't make that correlation. Lol.
I owned Sugar Gliders for 6 months, and I didn't make that correlation. Lol.

I used to work in a pet store. The sugar gliders hated me, for some reason. I heard that sound alot. :lol:

It's hard to take creepy spidermonsters seriously when their noises bring to mind this cute, fuzzy animal:
i just liked the streets scene in general, mainly when the army was attacking it near the beginning/middle of the movie right before they hit the subway. it wasnt really a special scene i guess but it was so loud, booming, and gripping that it really made you feel like you were there. the actors were all great, the realism of the movie was outstanding. there wasnt any big fake conversations or anything that people never have in real life, the movie put in front of you exactly what you could imagine happening and exactly how people would act.

what about the girl hud liked, like did her stomach blow up? im talking about the one that got bit. anyone ever find out exactly what happens to people when they get bit?
Kenso, I think they just explode in a big, explodey mess. Right before the monster attacked the makeshift hospital where Marlena (I think that was her name) was tackled with a cry of "WE'VE GOT A BITE!" you see a silouette of one of those people in blue hazmat suits holding a non-suited person at arm's length, and the person being held just sort of explodes everywhere, leaving a splatter of blood on the frosted glass behind which the silouettes are visible.

Nailz: While the people I worked with at this pet store were jerkoffs, the animals were given excellent care. And all animals were purchased from breeders. I was there when breeders brought in their animals when stocks had to be replenished. The only animals I can't vouch for are the fish. They got good care, but I have no idea where they came from. They were shipped to the store.
Im going to guess its the same as when an alien impregnates you, something blew up and I didn't get to see it, a damn shame
Nailz: While the people I worked with at this pet store were jerkoffs, the animals were given excellent care. And all animals were purchased from breeders. I was there when breeders brought in their animals when stocks had to be replenished. The only animals I can't vouch for are the fish. They got good care, but I have no idea where they came from. They were shipped to the store.

Thats good. There's a ton of horror stories about gliders in pet stores, and I've seen them cooped up in 2x2x2 glass cages out here. So sad.

Anyway, I'd like some explanation on what happened to the alien bite explody thing too. I think her head blew up, but damn, how fucked up. Yes, I was definitely impressed with the acting too .. definitely a hit of realism in it.
Yeah, it seemed like her head blew up. It was as if the bite somehow caused pressure to build up which lead to her eyes bleeding and then the *splode*

Personally, my boyfriend and I were joking about tying it in to Lost. HIGHLIGHT LOST SEASON 3 SPOILERS BELOW:
In the season 3 finale, Jack says they need to go back to the island and that they should have never left. So we were joking that the monster was the mist and it followed them from the island

The only thing I was a little disappointed with is that they basically gave away the ending right from the start when the info said the video was from an SD card found in Central Park. They got in the helicopter but I already knew they wouldn't get out of the city.
What did Marlena say right before they took her away? I know right before they met up with the military guys she said, "I feel dizzy." Did she say, "I have a headache?"

We were talking about the monster on the way home. Did any of you notice that the monster appeared to change each time you saw it? I didn't notice the size thing, but we did notice that its form seemed to change.

What I noticed:
Head - When they saw it from the helicopter, the face looked really square and flat. When it ate Hud, it looked fairly humanoid. At the beginning of the movie, it looked dragon-like (like it had a protruding snout).

Legs - When viewed from the helicopter, it had four appendages/legs. Early on, it looked like it had eight legs and then six. The ends of the appendages seemed to changed throughout the movie too. When they showed it one the TV, it's leg looked like a hoof. When they were getting into the helicopter, it was just a huge mass of flesh. It's joints also seemed to change the direction that they bent at times throughout the movie.

I have two theories about this. 1) The monster actually changed as needed. 2) It was an attempt to add the subjective viewpoints of different viewers and from the same viewer, but under the stress of the situations.

I really liked how they occasionally showed a scene from the day in April throughout the movie. That coupled with complete lack of definition of where it came from, how or when, made me think that the movie was much more about the people and they way they dealt with it than actually with the monster.
We were talking about the monster on the way home. Did any of you notice that the monster appeared to change each time you saw it?

What I noticed:
Head - When they saw it from the helicopter, the face looked really square and flat. When it ate Hud, it looked fairly humanoid. At the beginning of the movie, it looked dragon-like (like it had a protruding snout).

I didn't notice much change other than it seemed to grow and shrink in perspective. And at the end when it ate Hud, it reminded me a LOT of 'Predator'.

Legs - When viewed from the helicopter, it had four appendages/legs. etc

I thought that from the Helicopter, it looked like it didn't have ANY legs. However, maybe the military actually blew some of those legs off. I'd like to go see this again for monster change clarification.

I really liked how they occasionally showed a scene from the day in April throughout the movie. That coupled with complete lack of definition of where it came from, how or when, made me think that the movie was much more about the people and they way they dealt with it than actually with the monster.

The video was explained. In the beginning, the main guy, whose name I've forgotten, took his friend Beth to Coney Island with his video camera. Later, the video switched to the guys going away party. During the party, the main guy was flustered, because Hud was using the same tape that was in the camera, which (we are led to believe) he used to video the trip to Coney Island with Beth. He was upset about it because of the fight. And the skipping around always occured when he would stop taping. If you've used a video camera in the past, this isn't an uncommon thing, with breaks in footage.