COB added to Guitar Hero 5


Although, after taking 3 seconds to think about it, I'm probably not that excited seeing as how the track added will obviously be something to help promote Blooddrunk :erk:

Still cool though :)

But just imagine a Guitar Hero with, say, Hatebreeder songs on it or something. That would be sweet. I guess there are always hacked versions for those though.
God no :(

Then we get another wave of kids who think they are cool listening to COB but actually don't know shit.

And I don't want them to be THAT popular. It only gets harder and harder too see them on cool smaller stages.

Me not happy :(
^ Sigh. A metal band that is on the path to gaining popularity softens and simplifies its music through the course of each album to the point where generally they don't sound anything like they did when fans initially liked their music. This is obvious, and of course some fans will be upset that they are being put onto Guitar Hero.
God no :(

Then we get another wave of kids who think they are cool listening to COB but actually don't know shit.

And I don't want them to be THAT popular. It only gets harder and harder too see them on cool smaller stages.

Me not happy :(

...and so their journey to the planet sell-out continues.

God forbid that a band that we like should have other people start to like them too and make some money... I'm stoked.


That is all I have to say.

^ Sigh. A metal band that is on the path to gaining popularity softens and simplifies its music through the course of each album to the point where generally they don't sound anything like they did when fans initially liked their music. This is obvious, and of course some fans will be upset that they are being put onto Guitar Hero.

Isn't that true for any band? I'd say so. It's only natural for a band to evolve and change their sound bit by bit, over time. So I don't understand why people get so upset about it. If you like their older stuff better, then that's fine- but people act like a band should be put down after they reach a certain age, as not to have the opportunity to release more albums and change their sound as the band sees fit- which they have every right to do. It is their band, after all. The same is true for people who like newer material from a band, but not the older material. The difference being that in these situations, it doesn't seem like anyone gets pissed off that the band released material back in the day that they don't like.

And I can completely understand that some people wouldn't want bodom to be on the game. But I think the only justifiable reasons for not wanting them on the game is either they don't like bodom, or they don't like GH. XP

As a side convo:
Did you ever meet someone who, for example, loves a certain style of punk rock but refuses to listen to a specific band who fits that style perfectly just because that band is popular. It drives me insane. It happened recently when I asked someone if they like Anti-Flag. She said "they're too cliche for me, so I've never listened to them." I just about started screaming at her, haha.
It'll probably be a song that will make an old fan go.
"psssh, now all the teenage guitar hero playing faggot emos are gonna think bodom is cool"

I wouldn't be suprised.
Isn't that true for any band? I'd say so. It's only natural for a band to evolve and change their sound bit by bit, over time. So I don't understand why people get so upset about it. If you like their older stuff better, then that's fine- but people act like a band should be put down after they reach a certain age, as not to have the opportunity to release more albums and change their sound as the band sees fit- which they have every right to do. It is their band, after all.

Well, the truth of the matter is that fans of a band also have every right to be disappointed with certain albums. It is their music CDs that they purchase, after all (assuming they don't illegally download music, but that is a whole 'nother topic).

And there's a difference between "evolving over time" and changing your music for the purpose of selling more records. Why is it that so many metal bands are simultaneously deciding to "evolve" their music into a softer and simpler sound? You don't think that has anything to do with the label/producers strongly "advising" that they make their songs sound that way? Most people enjoy listening to simple-sounding music and the less-harsh vocals (whether it's Alexi or any other metal band such as Killswitch Engage, Soilwork, In Flames, etc.) appeal to more than just the tr00 metal fans. Coincidence? I think not.

And just for the record, I have come to really enjoy AYDY lately, as well as a few tracks from Blooddrunk. So I'm not just trying to sound like a prick here to defend the albums I like best; I'm arguing to make a point.

The same is true for people who like newer material from a band, but not the older material. The difference being that in these situations, it doesn't seem like anyone gets pissed off that the band released material back in the day that they don't like.

Well of course, but that has nothing to do with the music itself. You're comparing pleased people to disappointed people. It is not in human nature to complain when you are happy (from the album you enjoy from that new metal band you just discovered), but of course an old fan of a band's previous albums is going to complain that the newest album doesn't satisfy them. And the new fans haven't even heard the old stuff (generally) by the time they consider themselves fans of the new albums, so it's also a case of ignorance being bliss.

And I can completely understand that some people wouldn't want bodom to be on the game. But I think the only justifiable reasons for not wanting them on the game is either they don't like bodom, or they don't like GH. XP

Or perhaps said fan is hoping that Bodom will maybe turn around and make some harsher and less simple albums, but yet the appearance on Guitar Hero denotes that this is even less likely to come true. Clearly this hypothetical 'dream' will not happen, but I think it's a logical and "justifiable" enough reason to be disappointed about a CoB song being on GH.

As a side convo:
Did you ever meet someone who, for example, loves a certain style of punk rock but refuses to listen to a specific band who fits that style perfectly just because that band is popular. It drives me insane. It happened recently when I asked someone if they like Anti-Flag. She said "they're too cliche for me, so I've never listened to them." I just about started screaming at her, haha.

Yeah that happens. A lot of young people try to be "unique," and so they try their very hardest to not like any "popular" things and to listen to underground bands and stuff. What is ironic is that so many people are doing the same thing they are, that what they think is "unique" isn't really all that unique.