COB added to Guitar Hero 5

Trust me, it won't be long before kids start saying they're masters at playing guitar. :Smug: I don't see the fucking point. If I wanna play guitar, I play guitar, and if we wanna play a game then we'll play a game. :rolleyes:
someday bodom fans will stop covering bodom and play their own stuff.
i'm tired of youtube bodom cover profiles

I'm just tired of the shitty ones. If yer gonna put up a video of you playing a song, you might wanna think about learning to play the song first. =\

Well, the idea is probably from Spinefarm Records and the band may know nothing about it.

That's a good point, too.

more likely that COB will get more fangirls and fanboys which only care for Alexi`s hair color and things like that,and im telling this from my experience,just looking some new COB fans ive met recently

Even if this were the case, why do you care? Why are you gonna let a bunch of 14 year old girls affect who you listen to?

If GH can make kids want to discover more genres and more bands and become more open-minded, then why not !

It already has, as far as I've heard. The owner of the music store I always go to keeps telling me young kids come in for guitar lessons knowing songs that are wayyy before their generation. He was also saying these kids who play guitar hero generally have a head start as far as rhythm and finger strength go.

eveningninja: I forgot to click the quote button for your post. XP
What you said about all these metal bands gradually going to a softer sound because of the record labels I disagree with completely. The first reason being that all of these bands grew up listening to stuff much softer than what they are producing, so it's a natural idea for them to perhaps go in a softer direction over time. Also, I don't think the label would be trying to get them to go softer. If they were, then what would be the point in having a label that specializes in heavy music. And why would they sign the band in the first place if they thought the music was too hard?
Everything else you said I don't necessarily agree with, of course, but this is the only thing I really cared to comment on. =)
It already has, as far as I've heard. The owner of the music store I always go to keeps telling me young kids come in for guitar lessons knowing songs that are wayyy before their generation. He was also saying these kids who play guitar hero generally have a head start as far as rhythm and finger strength go.

Yeah, but still, guitar playing in reality is so much fucking harder. It's just as good as saying you get better in fighting by playing Tekken. What's good about guitar hero however I guess is it makes you have to concentrate on every second of the track and probably get hold of rhythms better.
if there in guitar hero, then its gotta be a good song other wise fuck
like they need to put a whole album out actually
like hate crew deathroll or hatebreeder
Isn't that true for any band? I'd say so. It's only natural for a band to evolve and change their sound bit by bit, over time. So I don't understand why people get so upset about it. If you like their older stuff better, then that's fine- but people act like a band should be put down after they reach a certain age, as not to have the opportunity to release more albums and change their sound as the band sees fit- which they have every right to do. It is their band, after all. The same is true for people who like newer material from a band, but not the older material. The difference being that in these situations, it doesn't seem like anyone gets pissed off that the band released material back in the day that they don't like.

And I can completely understand that some people wouldn't want bodom to be on the game. But I think the only justifiable reasons for not wanting them on the game is either they don't like bodom, or they don't like GH. XP

As a side convo:
Did you ever meet someone who, for example, loves a certain style of punk rock but refuses to listen to a specific band who fits that style perfectly just because that band is popular. It drives me insane. It happened recently when I asked someone if they like Anti-Flag. She said "they're too cliche for me, so I've never listened to them." I just about started screaming at her, haha.

I guess I completely misunderstood what you meant. Sorry man!