Cob and HCD +7 string guitars

Really ?
WHere did you see this ?
Personnally I wouldn't say it stinks, as long as the music is good, I don't care how many strings they use.
Are you sure of that ?
In the recent interview in another topic, Alexi says they doubled the guitars, to get a heavier sound.
Steve Vai and John petrucci are nu-metal now? Oh dear, they won't be best pleased with this tragic news.

Anyway, what songs did they use these guitars on? They obviously tuned down to C or dropped C for a couple songs, but I can't hear anything lower than that.
I don't have problems with 7-string guitars. Peter Tägtgren used also a 7-string (even before the Hypocrisy "Nu Metal" album Catch 22).
Hmm, so. Having 7 strings in my guitar (one of my guitars is 7-stringer) makes my music disgusting while tuning my 6-stringer down so that I can reach same pitches is perfectly ok?

Does it work in other way too? If I tune my 6-string down and arrange some Korn-songs in such a way that I can play them with it, do they suddenly become great? :lol:

- Ade
Dudes the album is tuned DOWN ONE STEP. Sixpounder and Angels Don't Kill are DOWN TWO STEPS. They ain't seven string, and they ain't in C (as far as I know).

Hmm Hypocrisy. A guy suggested to me that I should transcibe their songs cause they don't have lyrics for most of them or something...
Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
and since when is hypocrisy numetal? you people got some weird ideas in your head.
No, man! I was referring to the people who call Hypocrisy Nu Metal because of this fact. Now there are already people who call In Flames Nu Metal and I think I read even here in the board that COB would use Nu Metal riffs on HCD. But I don't think that I have to say something about this. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Stun
Hmm Hypocrisy. A guy suggested to me that I should transcibe their songs cause they don't have lyrics for most of them or something...
What guy? I don't know this motherfucker but I think he is right. I'd like to know some lyrics about these alien abduction shit. So, if you have time, then you can try.
And what about Hate Crew Deathroll, is it in D ? (Mmh, I don't really know the names of tunings... I guess E is normal, D is lower, and C is even lower... Mmh, that's not that hard... :) )
Isn't it in C ? Cuz' it sounds really low, but my ears are not alredy perfect, so I'm not sure of what I say... If someone would like to tab HCDT, that would be great :)
Morbid ANgel and many other coool deathmetal bands use 7stringers so i dont see what's wrong with that.. but I highly doubt CoB have used them..
I don't think that CoB used 7-string guitar and I don't carre so. 'Cause if the music is OK I don't ginve a fuck about the equipment.
About Nu-"metal" and 7-strings I have to say that not only Nu-"metal" groups use 'em (as already has been said). Hypocrisy, Morbid Angel, Prejudice and others that are NO Nu-"metal" use 'em. Using a different equipment don't make you play other kind of music man. The feeling and the music makes the kind.
CoB always were tuning down one or two steps. I can't find any reason for not to tune more lower. It depends on the song.
Originally posted by Rubenios

Just telling ya (in my opinion that really stinks! 7string guitars are for KoRn players or other Nu-metal bands :p)

Blah! Grow doesn't matter how many strings you use as long as you do it properly!

Nevermore have also used 7-stringers.
Ok the big n00b teels ya all about it (right i'm a music noob :p) First off all, i said IN MY OPINION, DAMN, THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY OR WHAT? jeez, in my opinion, 7 strings suck like ass! I really hate 7string guitars ánd the idea of: The lower we tune, the better we are... (and that is my opinion, so go flame someone else :p)

If Alexi confirmed in an interview that they DID used 7 strings, why would he lie then? :p

the big n00b spoke to you....
Originally posted by Rubenios
The lower we tune, the better we are... (and that is my opinion, so go flame someone else :p)

So do you dislike for example Black Sabbath, who actually tuned to C# at Children Of The Grave. At least they we're pioneers in tuning as low as they dare. Along with lots of other metal bands before no one knew anything about nu-metal.

Hmm, and now the killer question:

Do those songs in HCDR where either 7-stringed guitar or really low tuning is used suck?

And do they suck because of the instrument used or do they just sound bad?

And to continue: If you find out that they are really played with 6-stringer with really low tuning, do they suddenly become better?

:lol: :rolleyes: :)

- Ade

P.S. Oh yes, is it the 7th string or do you think 6-stringers tuned low suck too? If it's the tuning, then whats the magical tune you shouldn't go any lower from or you start to sound discusting?

And if it is the instrument, then how can those songs suddenly sound better if you play them with 6-stringer tuned low?