COB copied Pantera!!


Mar 19, 2003
Did anyone else noticed that?
The chorus of the song Hate Crew Deathroll is almost identic to the one of Rise, from Vulgar Display of Power!
poor guy :lol:

well, everyone already said that cob copied this or that lots of times already, people were flamed, alliances were made, broken, people had sex, bush invaded iraq...
so, some of us agree with that some don't.
I for one, don't really care though :D
Yeah there was a discussion before about CoB's numerous copied riffs that somehow got blown way outta porportion of it's importance (which is very little)... Alexi probably doesn't even realize for most of them.
excellent and effective presentation of a sensible and thought-out personal opinion built on a strong foundation of reason, towo, you dork. :p
Did you guy notice that?
COB stole riff from Mozart!
In Red light in my eyes(requiem) and Hatebreeder(the enchanted flute)!
Someone gotta say it to Mozart!
