Black Winter Day: Hear me out man.
All this shit got out of hand but let me try to explain.
What they were initially trying to convey to you is:
a) We are pretty sick of hearing about it, and with reason. (I undestand if you didn't know this, that's not your fault)
b) A lot of us don't care. It's not unusual that 2 musicians come up with a very similar riff from time to time, and like it's been said, Alexi's been interviewed about these things.
I can understand if it annoys you to hear that part or whatever man.. you stated your point and I don't have a problem with it and you shouldn't be attacked about it. But if you take a look, it didn't begin to get hostile until you said this and generalized about CoB fans (something we are pretty sick of as well, again with reason)
i suppose even if he played the entire ninth symphony without giving credit, a few of you would still praise laiho's brilliant songwriting and musicianship... goddamn, it's just a small section i pointed out that is ripped off and you still get anal about it.
I know you probably had simply misinterpreted the reactions of those who had posted to your thread before that, and thought of us as shallow or something along those lines. They actually weren't being hostile to you though, not at first.
Anyways, I'm sorry you had a sour experience in this thread, but I hope you do understand us a bit, and not just generalize about us in a negative way. The bullshit here went both ways, it wasn't all our fault.
Don't get bad blood about these matters man.. it's not worth it.. not about a few seconds of music,
good music.
EDIT: Oh and this is hereby closed.
Get on Jerry Springer and fight about it.
And Thank you
Stun for the tabs.