No, but you do.Btw who's that chick in your avatar? I wonder if she swallows
You wish you knew... unless that's ButteredToast.She does.

What's with the sig? A little too happy to see Alexi? *Bow chicka ya yow!*

No, but you do.Btw who's that chick in your avatar? I wonder if she swallows
You wish you knew... unless that's ButteredToast.She does.
What's with the sig? A little too happy to see Alexi? *Bow chicka ya yow!*
What's with the sig? A little too happy to see Alexi? *Bow chicka ya yow!*![]()
Wtf? Hurry up, I need some stuff to play. This is fucking hopeless, now since this computer is fixed I can't even open my msn so someone could send me the guitar pro thingy, because I don't know the fucking password.. I NEED SOME FUCKING MATERIAL
As I said half is wrong.
Right, thanks to Kattana I got the Guitar Pro 5 now open on my screen.. but I've yet to figure how can I get Children of Bodom stuff on it.. wtf..
but there are surely many other ways to play it.