CoB new album...

Originally posted by FatherVic
ehmmm I like latest Sentenced album :)

@samarkol: so you have been...ehmmm....essentially existing for 15 years??? damn, it's easier to talk in years rather than in terms of majority!!!!

fathervic ( excuse me while I kill myself )

My current body lives in Canada, and the majority is 18... so this body is 17 years old. I inhabit this corpse since 1985. But do not make the mistake of saying that I exist since XX years, because I do not *exist*. I am. I was. I will be. Amen.

Originally posted by Vibrating Ducky
On behalf of COB fans, thankyou Samarkol. I did not know how the progress of the new album was going and this thread is helpfull. If this board only talked about DT it would be pretty dull. What is it with people slagging each other off for no reason? Just because you don't like COB doesn't mean you have to slag them off, why did you bother to read the thread if you don't like them anyway?

No problem</reacting to the fact that I realized I was useful at least for a couple of person>

samarkol, probably in Canada they should demand something else than age to give majority :p

fathervic (i'm not, i wasn't, and most probably, by the matter of fact I won't ever be)
since we're on the "unrelated" way and Salamy mentioned Type o Negative: what the fuck are they up to at the moment? Last thing I know about them is Pete Steele being featured in Playboy while having fun with a couple of girls, but this hardly amounts to, say, a new album. I WANT SOMETHING AS GOOD AS BLOODY KISSES, not that horrible pablum they produced after!

[oh gods, this must be remembrance day. I now recall a very embarassing moment of my life - I was around 16 and I was arguing that the "you can't go out cos your roots are showing" in "Black no. 1" referred to having to forfeit one's traditional, possibly Christian, values in order to join the fray of evil... I must admit that as a teen I could have said that with some envy for the character in the song who finally might have done so, but rahvin brought me out of my pointless philosophizing saying that they probably just referred to hair dye. what a fall from grace! :lol:]

Originally posted by FatherVic
samarkol, probably in Canada they should demand something else than age to give majority :p

fathervic (i'm not, i wasn't, and most probably, by the matter of fact I won't ever be)

I agree. If they knew I was in fact a tribillions years old...

Samarkol (don't be rude, you were for some years, you are and you'll be for a couple of decades...)
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

:lol: You and your John Mayer :lol:
Actually I quite like Sentenced up to and including Amok, after that Jarva left the band and they became yet another cheap Type 0 Negative clone. I haven't heard the latest album, but the one before that was totally horrible (and not in that good and tr00 way either)

I actually have never head their new singer... only the current guy whose voice I like. Hmm... I also can't compare them to Type O Negative... to me, they sound more... sophisticated. Although they are one of the first bands I recommend to rock fans...

As for Type O Negative, possibly check out their website to see what they're doing... or not doing.

:lol: Yes, I do have an obsession with hating Mayer. Although it turns out I'm not the only one... far from it --->Actual chat transcript with him :lol: :lol:
I think there were people who like him there, but the ones who stayed there to insult him just clipped out the parts with their comments and his responses. :lol: I'm surprised they didn't get kicked off the chat, as they stayed there until the very end. :lol: