CoB new tone


Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen
Jan 2, 2005
I was wondering what you guys think about Bodom's new sound ?
I admit I liked best their tone in SW, HB and FTR than HCDR (we can really hear a difference) and TLS (crappiest IMO). I can't wait for AYDY but this is a point that scares me a bit, because they for sure continued this way.
HCDR just takes time to get used to, I didn't like it at first either, but now I do.

Plus, it's better that the band progressed and did not get stuck in the same pattern (Ie. Stratovarius)

If it you really miss the old neoclassical stuff and do not like HCDR then imagine Alexi padding your back and saying, "Man it was time to move on" which is what happened so....
i think cob is doing the right thing, with the wider range of music and different sound. they're not going to get boring anytime soon. imo TLS HCDR are fucking awesome. and are underrated. dont get me wrong i like HB and FTR alot too.
Tone is a funny thing. Their tone on SW was strange, like no other albums, it was a 5150 if im not mistaken. Hatebreeder and HCDR have the best tone IMO, very punchy, with enough lows and mids to balance the mix. FTR has an okay tone, but theres hardly any bass on it, it's very high pitched.
bobvex said:
Tone is a funny thing. Their tone on SW was strange, like no other albums, it was a 5150 if im not mistaken. Hatebreeder and HCDR have the best tone IMO, very punchy, with enough lows and mids to balance the mix. FTR has an okay tone, but theres hardly any bass on it, it's very high pitched.

I hear lots of low bass on FTR. Esp in FTR. But not in Mask of Sanity for example. Tons of low and but doesn't really cut through that much. Drums are a little bit flat, but really love the overall sound. I'm quite sure HCDR guitars and bass are doubled and you really hear the difference. Only drawback is their live sound cannot be as heavy as on the album. But to be honest I prefer live albums and bootlegs over their studio albums. As Alexi says, they are a live band and I fucking agree with that.
I think The new album tone wise at least will be like Neddled 24/7.To me it sound like they recorded it in a warehouse.
whats really weird is that through time alexi's voice got clearer and the music got heavier . i think aydy is going to be like thrashed lost and strung out .
I like the tone on HCDR the best, 6pounder has the favorite tone of any Bodom song. FTR has the worst, I really like the rough edge the treble gives the CD, but the lack of bass thickening the songs up kills it for me. There's parts on the song FTR that I cringe because of all the treble.
I think the sound could change a lot from T,L&S, after all it will have been like 9 months between the recordings. It takes more to a good album than just a good sound, it's the way the songs are composed.. just listen to T,L&S after some older Bodom, it's just so fucking good and mature compared to them. The singing will be different in AYDY, and obviously guitar and keyboard levels.. Most terrible singing this far is in Hate Me album version, and ironically the best in Hate Me single version.. I think. AYDY will be clearly the best album, no doubt. Each of the four ones that exist have a weakness.
ya, HB, HCDR, and TLSO all have the best tone. SW was kinda shitty cause they didnt have as good recording stuff and FTR didnt have any power behind it. I think the newer tones will sound great, very heavy.
In fact, CoB has never left the neo-classical stuff completely away. Just give a listen to You're Better Off Dead, and you'll notice.
bobvex said:
Tone is a funny thing. Their tone on SW was strange, like no other albums, it was a 5150 if im not mistaken. Hatebreeder and HCDR have the best tone IMO, very punchy, with enough lows and mids to balance the mix. FTR has an okay tone, but theres hardly any bass on it, it's very high pitched.

Being in a recording arts program, I would have to agree with Bob here. The tone is the best on these 2 albums. HCDR is just more compressed giving it the heavier sound. Hatebreed was just a bit more raw, which i prefer over compression, just because it sounds more real, and less boosted. I like the bass tone on Hatebreeder more too. But the drums on HCDR are very well done.