CoB new tone

Missiles said:
In fact, CoB has never left the neo-classical stuff completely away. Just give a listen to You're Better Off Dead, and you'll notice.

exactly. no matter how much they change on albums, you can still hear all that neo classical shit. alexi still uses it, which is awesome because it doesnt make them a "nu metal" band. just because they tune down their guitars doesnt mean crap. they've stuck to their roots with the solo duels in their songs and shit like that. so im not too worried about the new album will be different but you gotta stay fresh with your material.

Joonas Lehtonen said:
I think the sound could change a lot from T,L&S, after all it will have been like 9 months between the recordings. It takes more to a good album than just a good sound, it's the way the songs are composed.. just listen to T,L&S after some older Bodom, it's just so fucking good and mature compared to them. The singing will be different in AYDY, and obviously guitar and keyboard levels.. Most terrible singing this far is in Hate Me album version, and ironically the best in Hate Me single version.. I think. AYDY will be clearly the best album, no doubt. Each of the four ones that exist have a weakness.

trashed lost and strungout was...interesting, but i will not say that it is good and mature compared the the other albums. thats just blasphemy and retarded. every album has their weakness, yes, and are you dead yet will have its fair share of weaknesses too, bet your ass on it. but in my opinion, the only good songs on trashed lost and strungout were the 2 covers....TL&S had some good parts too it, and the chorus was pretty cool...and knuckleduster has some kick ass leads, but it definitely wasnt their best work. the way i see it...something wild put down the foundation for the Bodom sound...hatebreeder introduced the fact that they could kick your ass with musicianship...follow the reaper brought it to the next level, with a little more agression, and HCDR marked the change in their sound, they started to take a different path to keep their shit fresh.
I dont think anyones worried that bodom is becoming nu-metal because of the downtuning... look at Something Wild, right off the bat you have Deadnight Warrior, tuned down to C#, I believe? What some of us are worried about is that COB is moving away from that really raw, powerfull sound they had and becoming too smoothed out and mainstream... all the neoclassical stuff is still there, but the sound has changed a bit... I think its almost as much because of the production as it is the actual music.

Kinda like the in the way black metal usually sounds better when its really raw, I liked the COB sound most on Something Wild... if you think bodom is just an angry power metal band, go back and listen to SW, and tell me if you dont hear any black metal influences in there... it wasnt untill I started liking black metal in general that I really started to appreciate SW.

So if you ask me, its really clean production combined with the fact that their songs are structured differently... I still think the new album will be pretty good, but thats my oppinon on how their sound has changed.
Jani Laiho said:
trashed lost and strungout was...interesting, but i will not say that it is good and mature compared the the other albums. thats just blasphemy and retarded. every album has their weakness, yes, and are you dead yet will have its fair share of weaknesses too, bet your ass on it. but in my opinion, the only good songs on trashed lost and strungout were the 2 covers....TL&S had some good parts too it, and the chorus was pretty cool...and knuckleduster has some kick ass leads, but it definitely wasnt their best work. the way i see it...something wild put down the foundation for the Bodom sound...hatebreeder introduced the fact that they could kick your ass with musicianship...follow the reaper brought it to the next level, with a little more agression, and HCDR marked the change in their sound, they started to take a different path to keep their shit fresh.

I mean the way T,L&S is composed, it's just so.. complex and but still serious. Knuckleduster is not that complex, but it's got it's own style. I think it's a matter of taste, I like these songs much much much better than the cover songs.

I like the "maturity" of the new sound, but it's just so.. rock, and boring.