COB Pics

I've always these looked very suggestively sexual...


Go for it LOL
Nicola: OMFG, black and white pics are soooo cool!!! Woah, i haven't seen a new hot pic of ALexi in a long time! That deseerves some positive rep. He's the sex! *drools* I think black and white pics are the new thing. I think they look better than color and my friends have black and white pics on myspace.

Chaos: LMFAO!!!!!!! He's going to fall off of stage drunk and it looks like an experiment blew up in his face and made his hair go crazy.
:lol: Alexi is a musician, not a scientist. :erk: Oh god! I just imagined Alexi screwing around in my schools chemistry lab and blowing up shit. Now that is a scary thought. :p