COB Pics

Lanterns said:
Oceanqueen, where does that pic come from? Got any others from that same session?

Yes, here they are:






I like Alexi's underwear :lol:


Sorry, I sort of screwed this one up.. I am not good at scanning big pics that are 2 pages long:



These pics I posted are from the current issue of Revolver magazine with Cristina Scabbia on the cover.
Okay here's the scan:


fortunately this question and answer are in bigger font so you can actually read it...
The question in red: "Kuinka pitkä olet, kun bändikuvissa näytät niin lyhyeltä?"
The answer from Alexi: "Mähän olen lyhyt. 170 senttiä."

I believe the question is: How tall are you, in the band you look short? (something like that)
And the answer: "I am short. 170 cm."

Yeah, I think that's Finnish isn't pefect yet.
pahahenki said:
Okay here's the scan:


fortunately this question and answer are in bigger font so you can actually read it...
The question in red: "Kuinka pitkä olet, kun bändikuvissa näytät niin lyheltä?"
The answer from Alexi: "Mähän olen lyhyt. 170 senttiä."

I believe the question is: How tall are you, in the band you look short? (something like that)
And the answer: "I am short. 170 cm."

Yeah, I think that's Finnish isn't pefect yet.

He probably just rounded the number, just like I do :p He's a little smaller than that.
Nice pics, guys.
As for the trouble seeker, I'm going to be the better person and not reply to the bitchy comment. Let that be the end of the childish nitpicking and squabbling. Nobody wants to know about who's annoyed and why. And that's why I'm not going to acknowledge any sad rebuttle to this post. Women are all the same.

On a lighter note, as for pics, I've just found this:


Sorry if its already been up here. :D
Thanks a lot everybody for the scans! ;)
And they're not screwed up! They're fine!

Excess said:
What the fu... first it's his haircolour, then his height.. what's next? His dick? Would'nt surprise me at all :Smug:

Excess said:
What the fu... first it's his haircolour, then his height.. what's next? His dick? Would'nt surprise me at all :Smug:

hey good idea im going to start a thread right about now.
I just got a folder of pics from Gates of Metal 05 from a friend of mine, some pics of Bodom taken from the audience. Unfortunately, 90% of 'em is on Alexi :erk: But I'll post them anyway. Later today hopefully..
Pahahenki or anyone who has it: IF you have time, it would be great if you could translate the whole interview and post it in the interview thread. Thanks.:)

And yea, "rounded the number" is my guess also...since he once said to a fan who asked him (I read it on the SOB board), that he was 5'5. which is like 167-168cm. So yea, just a little bit below 170cm.;)

Thx for the pics Oceanqueen!
Lanterns said:
Pahahenki or anyone who has it: IF you have time, it would be great if you could translate the whole interview and post it in the interview thread. Thanks.:)

And yea, "rounded the number" is my guess also...since he once said to a fan who asked him (I read it on the SOB board), that he was 5'5. which is like 167-168cm. So yea, just a little bit below 170cm.;)

Thx for the pics Oceanqueen!

Yeah I agree, like my size too, or that's what It seemed when I met him.