COB Pics

I think he played better in those days ;) honestly. Music shouldn't be about appearance either, if you play better in a certain position, then.. don't change it! haha. John Petrucci did have it a bit extreme as it was like up at his neck at times haha, but that guys TOO much of a perfectionist and douche (personal opinion.) Although Paul Gilbert can play pretty impressive at a pretty low strap setting, but thats his overall preference for actuallying playing good. That's my favourite Alexi Guitar, album, and days of Bodom. Great picture, any more like that from that era would be awesome!

EDIT: Though I would like to add when looking at other pictures, like the one with Alexi and his attire of today and playing the green striped jackson, it does look a bit off. Back in the day, smaller, tighter, clothes, tinier Rhoads shaped guitars, good and favourite look for bodom in my opinion, but then they went into the whole kind of baggy and camo type of look. I could rarely care less what the guys dress like or would even bother paying attention, but the ESP RR's (which are a tad bit bigger than the Jacksons) do just overall look better with their "newer" appearance. Ah well, who cares.. maybe just the fanboi's here.
True too, I prefer something between both, like Roope more or less. That's how I play.

@sir Royal Eddie: Couldn't agree more on the point that looks shouldn't go first, but for me it was way too high, :lol: F.e. on the Korea thing it's better, but like that pic or the Deadnight Warrior it feels higly uncomfortable for me :erk:
Having the guitar low sure looks cool, but it's alot harder to play, it's especially hard using your pinky because of the angle.

Sweet! Love this pic :rock:
I think the guitar being so low is part of his sloppy playing live, he should put it a bit higher.

I doubt it. Playing a low guitar doesn't really make you necessarily play worse, but it takes getting used to, and forces you to incorporate less pinky usage unless you have really long fingers. Plus, he raises his guitar to his knee when he does solos anyway, which are the main things he plays sloppy.

Here in Tuska he plays his solos pretty well, yet it's basically at the height he has it nowadays:

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When he plays his solo's now, like in that video above, he angles his guitar SO much, sometimes even completely vertical, he never had to do that with his jacksons and old strap height, because the frets were easier to access with his playing style.
Well, not his actual STYLE... just the way he plays I suppose. A bit confusing, I just mean when he was using jacksons his STRAP HEIGHT was higher rather than how he plays with a lower strap height today. I'm just saying it was probably easier for him to play those complex leads and what not closer to him, rather than how in your video it's way lower and he angles his guitar so much more just to play higher up on the neck. I wish I could show you in person. :lol: